• July 1, 2021

Soil-based probiotics for dogs

Dogs need supplements just as much as humans. In fact, if your main food is commercial pet food, dogs need supplements even more!

There are basic supplements that dogs need as they age, such as digestive enzymes, and others that they need throughout life, such as omega 3/6 oils, minerals, and probiotics. Why probiotics for dogs?

Your dog may look and act healthy, but …

Domesticating a dog is behavioral, but the diet of domesticated dogs has led to a growing health crisis. For a dog to be truly healthy, it must be fed a diet that resembles that of its wild ancestors, who hunt and kill fresh animals. They supplement their diet by eating grass and dirt! More of this in a minute.

The closest you’re likely to get is a raw diet consisting of free-range chicken and grass-fed beef that is hormone- and antibiotic-free. Supplements that replace grass and soil are added to this basic diet. If you do, your dogs will be healthier, happier, and live longer.

Perhaps American doctors and veterinarians completely ignore the most powerful medical appointments of all time.

“90% of all chronic diseases are caused by an unhealthy digestive system” The Royal Society of Medicine, Great Britain

Probiotic supplements and intestinal balance

Dannon’s successful ad campaign, back in the 1970s, suggested that the Hunzas lived to be over 100 because they ate yogurt, a probiotic! It didn’t matter that the air they breathed or the land that grew their fruits and vegetables and raised their meat did not pollute, or that the yogurt the Hunzas ate had little in common with Dannon or any other commercial yogurt. Yet today there is fierce competition for your dairy-based probiotic dollar. Buyer beware!

In short, commercial-grade probiotics, such as yogurt or acidophilus supplements, come from cattle that are not grass-fed, that do not live in open pastures where they would exercise, breathe fresh air, and get vitamin D from sunlight. Instead, they live in closed and toxic environments: they are injected with growth hormones and antibiotics. If there was ever any nutritional value in this milk, it was destroyed when it was pasteurized and homogenized. People and pets with dairy allergies are actually suffering from the effects of the care, feeding, and processing of commercial dairy cows. People who switched to organic milk find they are no longer allergic!

Solving problems related to the gastrointestinal tract that have not become chronic is often as simple as giving them a daily probiotic! Why? Digestion and elimination are time sensitive. Too short or too long, it eventually leads to a health crisis.

The more processed the food, the more difficult it will be for the digestive system to break it down. This greatly affects the colonies of good (probiotic) bacteria as they struggle to find and assimilate the small amount of nutritional value.

Good bacteria not only aid in the assimilation of nutrients, but provide balance against bad bacteria. This balance is quickly upset when your dog eats contaminated food or a bacteria-laden snack. Heat and even the slightest humidity (humidity) can quickly contaminate an open bag of dry dog ​​food.

If you pay attention to your dog, you may see early warning signs, which can include loss of energy, gas, bad breath, itchy skin, constipation, bouts of diarrhea or vomiting, and loss of appetite. These resolve quickly with just one dose of probiotic supplements and are prevented with daily use. Prevention saves you money in the long run.

Chronic health problems develop when bad bacteria maintain the upper hand in the gastrointestinal tract for a long period of time.

The ultimate probiotic

About 25 years ago, researchers noticed that wild animals not only ate grass, they pulled grass. Delving into why, they discovered that the dirt surrounding the root structure of organic soil grasses was associated with microflora and bacteria that had a probiotic effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Appropriately, these microorganisms were collectively referred to as Soil Based Organisms (SBO).

Let them eat dirt

It seems like the simple solution would be to let your dog eat grass. Most domestic dogs live in environments that do not provide these essential digestive aids. Lawns and dog parks are treated with inorganic pesticides, fertilizers, and chlorine from municipal water. These chemicals kill SBOs.

SBO vs antibiotics

Doctors know that antibiotics are toxic chemicals that kill both good and bad bacteria, yet they forget to use probiotic treatments. If this isn’t bad enough, the side effects of antibiotic treatment for your dog are the equivalent of a kick to the groin.

Probiotics are natural living organisms of the digestive system. SBOs have been scientifically proven to resolve gastrointestinal disorders and are essential for maintaining intestinal balance. Since gastrointestinal disorders develop as a result of bad bacteria overwhelming good (probiotic) bacteria, the first course of action should be to restore balance through the administration of SBO.

A few doses of SBO will quickly clear most cases of gastrointestinal upset before it can be seen by a veterinarian. Furthermore, when administering SBO there is no need to retain food or water.

Where can you get SBO?

SBOs are not a prescription drug. They are available online, at select pet stores, and at holistic vets.

SBO culture requires laboratory controlled conditions, using strict scientific protocols. Like fermenting the best beer or wine, the SBO cultivation process cannot be rushed.

While almost any SBO formula will be beneficial, brands that consist of a variety of active SBO strains are more likely to quickly restore proper gastrointestinal balance.

CAUTION: Things can go from better to worse, temporarily!

As mentioned above, commercial pet food is difficult to break down and digest. Consequently, it moves slowly through the intestines. Most likely, some fecal plaque has adhered to your dog’s intestinal walls. Once it is grasped, it thickens over time. Even fairly young animals can experience some blockage as a result of this accumulation.

Regular administration of SBO will slowly begin to dissolve the stool. During this cleaning / cleaning process, pathogens and microbes that were covered with layers of fecal matter will be exposed and can cause bouts of diarrhea or vomiting. Depending on the accumulation, it may take a few months before it is completely eliminated.

During this time, you will likely see your dog reach new levels of happiness and energy. It can overwhelm them until they adjust.

Most cases of diarrhea or vomiting are the result of long-term food choices that are not probiotic-friendly, or of ingesting a pathogen-laden snack. If you administer SBO and your dog doesn’t show noticeable improvement within 12 hours, take him to the vet right away!

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