• May 31, 2023

8 Strategic Marketing Lessons to ‘Dad’s Daycare’

I bet you thought the movie “Daddy Daycare” was a kid’s comedy, right? Wrong… It’s a marketing strategy movie! When Charlie and his friend Phil are fired as product development/brand managers for a cereal company, they decide to fill a need in their community. On the road to success, they demonstrate several strong marketing strategies,…

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Hydrogen as an alternative fuel source

If you’re like most of us in the United States, you’re starting to look for some relief at the pump. I just filled my car up the other day with 11 gallons and the price came to just over $44. That’s right, the dreaded $4/gallon. Because I drive a lot, and I also like to…

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Soccer Betting Superstitions

Superstitions have been a part of most people’s lives since ancient times. In modern times, the belief that a specific action determines the positive or negative outcome of a future event is more popular than ever. When looking for a job, when taking an exam, on your wedding day, when moving home and why not…

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Top 5 creme de corp pentru a preveni vergeturile și a preveni pielea uscată în timpul sarcinii

Top 5 creme de corp pentru a preveni vergeturile Nu puteți preveni complet vergeturile (genetica joacă un rol important), dar folosirea unei creme hidratante cu umectanți precum untul de shea, uleiul de cocos și acidul hialuronic va ajuta la îngroșarea celulelor pielii pentru a reduce aspectul cicatricilor existente. De asemenea, puteți folosi un retinoid local…

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Come out and play! Four reasons why exposure to nature is essential for the well-being of our children

1. TIME OUTDOORS HAS A DIRECT IMPACT ON CHILD DEVELOPMENT. There is a growing body of evidence indicating that direct experiences with nature are essential for a child’s physical and emotional health. Studies have also shown that exposure to nature can increase a child’s resistance to stress and depression. Although many sports are played outdoors,…

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Cardio Zone elliptical trainers

CardioZone manufactures several similar elliptical trainers, falling into the lower price range than the Nautilus or Octane brands. they have four types of trainers, and each one adapts to different workouts and user needs. The stride adapts to the users and is almost impact free, which is especially Important for people with knee problems. The…

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Startup Law 101 Series – Tips from a Business Lawyer on Becoming a Founder

Introduction Why become a founder? What are some of the things you can do to become a successful founder? Having worked extensively with founders as a startup lawyer in Silicon Valley for many years and having built my own business as well, I have some advice to share on these points. Tips on why you…

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My ex boyfriend’s friend contacted me! What this really means

Ever since the break up you have been wishing and hoping for a sign from the universe suggesting that your ex boyfriend wants you back, right? It’s understandable. You still love him and feel like the break up was a mistake. Unfortunately, your ex seems to have moved on without giving much thought to what…

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Are Tax Surplus Finder Fees Legal?

If you’ve heard that you can reap huge search fees with tax surpluses, you haven’t gone astray. Unlike state funds, such as old bank accounts, stock dividends, and utility deposits, tax surpluses often represent large amounts of money and are not publicly posted on the state’s website. They are the best kept secret in the…

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Space Derby – How to Win in a Fun Cub Scout Activity

This past Saturday, my 8-year-old son participated in his first Space Derby with his Cub Scout pack. Many boys, parents, siblings, and Cub Scout leaders attended the event. What is a space derby? Well, it’s probably a little different than what you imagined. Every Cub Scout receives a Space Derby kit through their Cub Scout…

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