• June 14, 2021

Research in progress: Pokémon origins and characteristics

Okay, I’ll admit it right now: I’ve been tasked with figuring out everything I can about Pokémon phenomena, and while I’m having fun, I find my imagination churning faster than I can find the answers. for.

So in this article I decided to launch my theories and in a later article to refute or confirm them. Initially, scientists wanted to do RNA experiments that would modify a creature’s receptivity to additional and remarkable DNA modifications. They decided to use mammals, oddly enough, first seals. Because seals are aquatic, they would be good conductors of electricity and in the second generation they could ‘catch’ fish remotely by pointing electrical charges at them. However, they wanted to be sure that the gene was recessive and that it would reproduce after two generations.

However, two strange things happened. While reproduction was successful (the original seals evolved into land animals), the DNA was dominant, not recessive. The scientists failed and not only that, but they were caught in the ethical dilemma of whether they should destroy the creatures or not. They voted against, but eventually discovered that they could not control the “spontaneous evolutionary characteristic” that gave rise to the Pokémon. The great concern regarding Pokémon is its escape and the possible evolution of existing life forms on earth.

The other very strange characteristic of a Pokémon is its ability to return to its capsule or ball. Due to the DNA modifications made to the original Pokémon, they also had to be modified to grow in a capsule rather than an egg or uterus. This also required the modification of DNA, in a process known as “molecular expansive capacity.” In reality, the actual size of a Pokémon is its size in a ball, not its expanded size. When a Pokémon expands, the space in all the molecular particles expands.

Today, Pokémon are very secretive and no one knows how they are replicating, although it is spontaneous. His mortality is also a mystery. New Pokémon are found all the time, and unlike wild animals, they can be tamed. This is encouraged. Why fans (non-scientists) encourage them to fight in tournaments is a government secret.

Well maybe I didn’t add anything about the world of Pokémon, but that’s my parallel world of Pokémon. I know what’s hot right now in Pokémon stores (I know because it’s the only thing my son talks about!): Anything from Pokémon in black and white, Pokémon stuffed toys (or ‘stuffed animals’) , Pokémon figures and, of course, the cards! Popular Pokémon cards include Promotions, Holofoil Cards, Legendary Pokémon, and Shiny Suicune.

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