• December 9, 2022

Is Taurus the most unpleasant sign of the zodiac?

You can’t make an omelette without breaking the eggs.

Some of my best friends are Taurus. They can be warm and friendly people, who wouldn’t hurt a fly. However, of the twelve signs, they arguably have the greatest ability to cause misery.

To understand why Taurus might be the most unpleasant sign in the zodiac, you have to think about their basic attributes. Taureans are often very focused, and once they decide on a course of action, it can be almost impossible to stop them. At the same time, their brains may only have one clue: they get an idea into their heads, and then they chase it to the end, ignoring or even destroying alternative points of view.

This means that Taureans tend to believe that the ends justify the means. They think about what they want to achieve, and they consider their goal to be absolute, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

An example of a Taurus who has recently been in the news is Bernard Madoff, the American stockbroker who defrauded his clients out of billions of dollars. The fraud of him took place over many years, and once it started, it was seemingly unstoppable. This is so typical for Taurus – they move in a particular direction and, having gained momentum, cannot apply the brakes.

Bernard Madoff had personal contact with many of his clients and was able to assure them that their money was safe with him. This is, of course, a very unpleasant way to treat people, but if you’re a Taurus, the end often justifies the means.

Moving from finance to terrorism, we note that Timothy McVeigh was a Taurus. In the mid-1990s, he became upset by the way the US government allegedly interfered in people’s lives and, as a result, blew up a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people.

So Timothy McVeigh got an idea and followed a plan of action with ruthless efficiency, regardless of the human cost of what he was doing.

When you go from terrorism to politics, Taurus becomes even scarier, and we found out that some of the world’s most infamous dictators had Taurus as their zodiac sign.

Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, was probably a Taurus. As we know, he was someone very brutal. He did not hesitate to execute his enemies and critics, and if a community challenged him, he was prepared to destroy it. One example was the use of nerve gas again in the city of Halabja, which killed around 5,000 people.

In the case of Saddam Hussein, we see another of Taurus’s less pleasant traits: revenge. Taureans don’t like people getting mad at them, and acts of rebellion or defiance are not forgotten or forgiven.

Regardless of Saddam Hussein’s crimes, Pol Pot, the Cambodian leader, surpassed him. Pol Pot was motivated by a powerful ideology: it was an extreme form of Maoist communism, which vilified the urban way of life. Cities were emptied and enemies of the regime, real or imagined, were executed en masse. In fact, up to two million people were killed by the Pol Pot government. This was a clear example that ideology is everything, an ideology that destroyed an entire country.

Then there’s the most infamous Taurus of all, Adolf Hitler. He had an idea and he followed it to the letter, literally. if you read My struggle, which he wrote while serving a prison sentence, years before he came to power, his vision of the world can be immediately understood. He never changed, and pursued his goals to the bitter end.

One interesting thing about Adolf Hitler is that he had very few vices. He didn’t drink, hated smoking, and was largely a vegetarian. This puritanism is quite common among Taurus dictators.

The English dictator Oliver Cromwell, who was in power in the mid-17th century, was a religious Puritan, with a capital “P”. He made the lives of his subjects a misery, and activities such as sports, dancing, and the celebration of Christmas were restricted or prohibited.

Another puritanical Taurus was Maximilien Robespierre, who was in charge during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. He was someone who had strict morals, who was considered completely incorruptible. However, he believed that the only way to safeguard the revolution was to guillotine hundreds of people, including some of the very people who had created the Revolution in the first place.

Another incorruptible and highly moral Taurus was the Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. He meant well, but many people died because of his actions.

Now, I must emphasize that I am not saying that all Taureans are nasty. However, if they have strong political beliefs and apparently no vices, they should probably be avoided.

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