• September 5, 2021

Gray Hair Shampoo – Can A Shampoo Reverse Gray Hair?

When our hair turns gray it does not mean that we should stop taking care of it. As we age, so does our hair and at times like this we need to make sure we give it the best treatment. Gray hair can become very brittle as it loses its nutrients over time.

The quick science behind why hair turns gray is that the cells in our hair follicles, called melanocytes, begin to lose their ability to generate color as we age. The cells begin to degenerate causing the pigment to lose its color. The strand becomes really transparent and gives the impression of gray against our darker, healthier hair.

As hair loses these vital nutrients, it is important to replenish and condition the air to prevent the follicles from becoming brittle and dry. There are many shampoos on the market that claim to help condition dry and brittle hair, but the important thing is to make sure that the shampoo you use for your hair has the right ingredients. One of the most important ingredients, especially in the treatment of gray hair, is omega 3 oil. Emu oil is full of omega 3, so a shampoo that has this as an ingredient guarantees a very good product.

The best thing about omega 3’s is that they actually help reverse the aging process. Emu oil, known as a “follicle alarm”, is used to prevent the appearance of gray hair. With a combination of Shampoo and Conditioner enriched with Emu you will see a gradual process where gray hair begins to darken and return to its original color. All hair needs omega 3s to grow properly and emu oil is the only ingredient that can hydrate hair enough to bring it back to the optimum moisture level of 8%.

With this hair treatment combined with a good diet you will see how your hair becomes very soft and shiny as the omega 3 take effect. The advantage for those who do not want gray hair is that not only will you have healthy looking hair, but the gray will also start to fade.

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