• February 1, 2023

Buying gold for World of Warcraft: should you or shouldn’t you?

There are many players new to World of Warcraft (WoW) who immediately think that buying gold is their best approach to acquiring this valuable asset. The fact is, strictly speaking, buying WoW gold from third-party websites is against the game’s Terms of Service (TOS). However, it remains a very popular way to acquire gold for both new and experienced players.

For the new WoW player, buying gold is probably not the best option. Why? Because in the long run, you will miss out on learning many of the other “legitimate” ways to acquire gold. Simply buying it is the quick and easy shortcut everyone is looking for, but new players who immediately go out and buy gold are really cheating themselves out of the full World of Warcraft experience.

Once you get a full WoW experience and understand all the intricacies of the game, you’ll quickly discover why so many players ultimately opt for the option to buy gold. Milling gold can be very tedious, as are many of the other methods. That is the reason these WoW gold buying websites exist. There is a demand for fast gold, and of course, anywhere there is a demand, there are going to be companies all too willing to jump in and meet that demand.

Whether or not you decide to buy your WoW gold will largely depend on the type of player you are. Do you have the patience to play the game as it was designed to be played? Or are you willing to take the shortcut of buying gold and risk having your account locked up? The Blizzard Company can and will ban gold buyers’ accounts. Happens all the time.

Fortunately, there is a middle ground here that strikes a nice balance between buying gold outright and putting up with the so-called “tedium” of legitimate gold-making techniques.

Several expert gamers have written excellent World of Warcraft Golden Secrets Guides that can drastically shorten your learning curve and teach you tips and tricks known only to the most experienced gamers. All tips and tricks are legitimate “within the rules” practices and are perfectly safe to use.

At the very least, you should start playing World of Warcraft the way it was designed to be played. If the game becomes “tedious” for you due to problems with gold, then perhaps the game itself is not for you. Something to think about. There’s no reason to be ashamed that you don’t already know all the ins and outs of gold acquisition in World of Warcraft.

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