• June 21, 2023

Alternative and renewable energy

Each person has the ability to change their world and, in turn, will bring us one step closer to reducing our carbon footprint and saving our planet Earth.

Extreme Need: Low-Middle Income Homeowners, Seniors, and Disability Subsidized Housing

Within the next few years a percentage of new construction will be required to install renewable energy. Existing government facilities are required to be “green” in the future.

Renewable energy, the technology to make products that produce alternative and renewable energy, will create more jobs in the manufacturing industry, the technical industry, will ultimately reduce the carbon in our atmosphere, decrease global warming, increase the longevity of our planet and protect our earth through green technology.

I remember reading an article about a city that implemented apartment and home assistance programs that allow residents to afford renewable energy through low-cost loans. These low-cost loans allow families, the elderly, and the disabled to heat, cool, and produce electricity for their otherwise cost-prohibitive home or apartment. Excess electricity can be sold to the local utility company. There are also regular tax incentives for the use of renewable energy. Those cities that have been at the forefront of implementation and subsidized lending are commended for their implementation of renewable energy sources for homes and buildings. They must be praised.

I have been researching renewable energy for seven years and trying to find ways and means to find the right products and make them available and affordable to those who need them most, the US owner being a perfect example. Those on a fixed income in subsidized housing, still forced to pay high utility costs, is another example.

Every referral company, organization and individual I spoke to had no idea of ​​the ways and means to obtain alternative energy products at an affordable cost for the average low to medium income homeowner. None of them had ideas in the direction he was looking for. There are existing manufacturing facilities producing renewable and alternative energy products in many regions of North America. What America needs are state, federal, or national policies designed to finance and subsidize loans for low-to-middle-income American homeowners.

President Obama has an administration that can create the policies to make renewable energy available to help those who need it most at a cost they can afford. Now is the time to start the process. No family or individual should have to choose warmth over food or medical care. I am looking for ways to bridge the gap between product costs for the low and middle income household. Instead of giving stimulus money to greedy business executives and big business, who will continue to squander the income, help me find ways to put those stimulus dollars into producing renovation products, companies to install renewable energy products , personnel to maintain the products after installation, subsidized loans to homeowners who use the products and support industries that will provide the necessary goods to support the industry of renewable products for residential use and consumption.

Once the first model is up and running, it will be easier to help the next community implement the same strategies. We will be able to help each other succeed in the quest to implement more renewable energy in one area at a time. As a result, many jobs will be created.

Buildings are the largest contributors to “carbon footprints.” Most of the buildings in the US are homes and dwellings. I have faith in the American people and believe that, given the opportunity, they would be grateful for the opportunity to personally benefit from renewable energy and finally break out of the existing, expensive, unreliable, and BIG corporate controlled utility grids. We should have learned lessons from Hurricane Katrina, Ike, Gustav, ice storms, blizzards, floods, and blackouts are gone. the American people at the mercy of existing public services. Obviously bigger is not better for controlling the energy we pay for. Individual buildings that are self-sufficient through renewable energy are the ultimate solution. Buildings will always be susceptible to natural disasters. What should It never happen that large “commercial” utilities leave entire regions without electricity, water, and natural gas. the fees go up because “they” had to spend money to bring “their” network back online and leave “their” customers in the dark (literally) and make them wait for the services they paid for.

Help me make a difference. Send a letter, email or call your local state representatives, senators, governor and/or visit: The US Department of Energy on its WEB: http://www.energy.gov/ to make your voice heard.

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