• January 13, 2023

Professional kitchen cabinet installation with great security

It is something that surprises even the best chefs. You wash a pot or two only to discover that its usual place is taken. He then looks around to find another cabinet and sees that it is full of other pots. Then you give up and then you put the freshly washed pot in the sink.

This is something that wouldn’t happen if your cabinet installation was designed to accommodate more than it can. Looking at the current state of your kitchen, you may not be able to see the potential because of the little space left. You’d be surprised how much things can change with a little professional planning.

Let the professionals do it

One of the benefits of letting the professionals look over your kitchen is that they’ve been doing it for years. You may have been inspired by a do-it-yourself home makeover TV show and simply marveled at the end result.

But it’s highly likely that the people on most of these reality shows have been assisted by professionals while the cameras aren’t rolling. Not everything goes as smoothly as they describe when it comes to a TV show, especially when some construction and remodeling work is going on.

You might be tempted to buy all that power tools and equipment and think you’re a handyman. But why go to all the trouble when you can just sit back and relax while the professionals do it? Did you know that today’s kitchen cabinets have been designed with ergonomics in mind?

ergonomic storage

Ergonomics is a vital element in cabinet installation design. It takes into account that vital element of human usability and ease of use. One of the key factors involved here must be related to the height of the people using the kitchen.

Many homeowners who have built their own kitchen have made the mistake of thinking that everyone else can reach the upper cabinets. Ergonomics would point out that there are other people who have variable height in the same vicinity who also need to be able to reach the upper cabinets with ease.

Aside from the height advantage, contractors factor in and consider simple things like how a cabinet opens and which way the doors face. That’s not to say you don’t have great home design skills, you do. But why go to all the trouble when you can hire someone who can make your cabinet installation twice as fast and more efficient? Do not install upper cabinets directly over the range.

Security First

It’s very tempting to just install some new kitchen cabinets where you see fit. But always keep in mind how they are placed and the potential dangers they can bring.

These cabinets can carry a lot of weight later on, and since they are made of wood, they are extremely flammable. Also make sure the cabinet hinges are attached tightly, you never know when an earthquake might strike that could send pots and utensils crashing to the floor.

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