• December 4, 2022

Not Dead Yet: World Champion Triathletes Aged 75+ Offer 75 Tips For Aging Successfully

In a new work supported by the USA Triathlon wit, happiness and joy, meaning and relevance.

A treasure trove of 66 unusual but plausible tips that, if practiced, should make life better (healthier), more enjoyable, and more engaging. not dead yet seeks to make getting older less daunting and more attractive to everyone who gets old or wants to get old one day, though not too soon!

not dead yet provides what you should know about aging and thriving, but you may have been too polite or nervous to ask, not realizing that thriving at this stage of life was a realistic option. The focus of this paper is on the positive, largely underappreciated opportunities that can make the last few years by far the best. The humor and wit of the accomplished. perennial triathletes, Robert Green Ingersoll’s eloquent words throughout, and chapters on REAL wellness, frailty and death, meaning and purpose, epiphanies, fun, staying relevant, and what’s left should appeal to readers of all the ages.

the focus of not dead yet it’s different from books on aging that focus overwhelmingly on medical advice geared toward frailties, disease, and the looming presence of death, not successful adaptation to old age. Tips and other material on not dead yet they complement sound medical advice, particularly with regard to preventing common pitfalls, but the difference is dramatic because the focus goes beyond coping to living an exuberant life. not dead yet tips represent an optimistic message; the comments do not focus on the dark side of aging. The participating champions don’t deny any of that, but they don’t dwell on any of it either.

While much valuable information about the hard facts and dynamics of aging is common knowledge, the absence of the silver lining of being in or near the retirement years tends to discourage older populations, not encourage positive actions that will improve health status. The emphasis in this book is on action: attitude and behavior tips to move forward.

In shorts, not dead yet It is fully designed to promote proactive actions to improve health that provide well-being and enjoyment beyond the absence of discomfort, limitations and suffering. The challenges of aging are well known, especially those related to negative physical and mental changes. The tips cover the bright side of senior life, practical ways to bring a bit of spring and summer into the fall of existence.

Readers are sure to enjoy and act on the words of wisdom from these senior champions and reflect on the many recommended steps to succeed in aging. These writers want him to take full advantage of the opportunities associated with being mature, wiser than ever, and perhaps retired with more time to do what he wants to do, with whom, and when he prefers to do it. The life situations of the elderly are rich with underestimated possibilities to do more while complaining and suffering less.

Ideas about aging behavior with something that the great 19th century American orator Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899) said about happiness, namely that the time to be happy is now, the place to be happy is here and the way to be happy is to make others happy. While we cannot directly make others happy, we can and are seeking, with He hasn’t died yet to provide brilliant tips and comments that will brighten the remaining time for all readers. We believe we can do this to some degree by inciting readers to do more than can easily be done to enjoy good health and happiness, love and a happy life in the time that remains.

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