• September 5, 2022

Maakoa – Can this opportunity live up to its promise?

Company history

Maakoa opened its doors on July 4, 2009 with a bang after being the title sponsor of the Stadium of Fire, which was held at LaVell Stadium in Utah.

Maakoa is an MLM company that markets a healthy drink called Kupowaa. Their mission, they say, is about personal development and a culture of excellence. Maakoa tries to save your health and help you achieve financial freedom through the MLM business opportunity they offer.

the founders

When analyzing an opportunity, it is imperative to analyze leadership. If leadership is poor at the top, the company is likely to fail, and if it is strong, the company is likely to last for a long time.

Maakoa’s founders are Bruce Davis, Chairman and CEO, David Simpson, Todd Kirkpatrick and Jeff Bruning.

If you go to the company’s website, you’ll get information on these men and it all sounds impressive. Each has vast experience in the business world. Jeff Bruning, Vice President of Marketing and Events, has more than 30 years of Network Marketing experience.

The company seems to have great leadership, the founders are experienced and know what they are doing. Sounds good so far.

The products

Maakoa has 3 products in their lineup so far, Kupowaa MXP3 Lean Protein and MXP3 Build Protein.

Kupowaa is their flagship and contains Acai berry, Pomegranate and Blueberry with a bit of cupuaca fruit added.

These ingredients are said to be powerful antioxidants, however I would like to point out that I am not a scientist so cannot prove it.

I would like to stay on the business side of Maakoa to move forward quickly.

The Compensation Plan

Maakoa has a Compensation Plan that is pretty standard in this industry. There are retail and preferred customer sales, fast start bonuses, team commissions, etc. etc. It all comes down to this. You have to find customers who like the products and put them on autoship and recruit independent Maakoa distributors who do the same.


Maakoa sounds like a great business opportunity and it is a great business opportunity. It has strong leaders like founders who have a great work ethic, products that are in demand and in line with the health and wellness industry.

Maakoa is a fairly new MLM but has already started to stand out in his chosen industry.

No experience in this industry? Go ahead, join up and then fall flat on your face. You see, when it comes to success in network marketing, it all comes down to one thing: GENERATION OF LEADERS. Products won’t sell themselves no matter how much you want them to. You have to market and generate your own leads if you want to be successful in this industry.

If you can learn this ONE SKILL, then you can be successful, I guarantee it.

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