• September 12, 2021

Golden Retriever Pregnancy: Symptoms, Risks, and Ways to Minimize Them

Golden retriever pregnancy is a very special condition for your dog, so you need to know the basics. Let’s take a look at what to expect from him, the risks, and the stages of a golden retriever pregnancy.

Pregnancy in all dogs (and the Golden Retriever is no exception) lasts 63 days. This term can vary by 5 days and Golden Retrievers actually tend to give birth earlier. It is important to note the date you were raising your Golden to provide the vet with valid information and to be prepared for delivery.

In the fist stage, your Golden may become more affectionate than usual; she can start to follow you wanting to be stroked all the time. However, some dogs, on the other hand, are more than happy to be left alone. Loss of appetite and the canine equivalent of “morning sickness” are other signs of pregnancy.

However, after the first few weeks, these symptoms disappear and Golden becomes playful as always. The main symptom here is appetite. Not only does his appetite regain, but he begins to eat a lot. It is not necessary to introduce puppy food or vitamins into his diet. Actually, you shouldn’t do it under any circumstances! Diet changes are very dangerous because they can lead to the development of milk fever, a potentially fatal disorder that develops very quickly.

Just feed him high quality regular adult dog food and give him all the food he wants. If you still feel like you need to add some other type of adult dog food, gradually mix it up with a regular food throughout the week to avoid an upset stomach. It’s a good idea to give your pregnant Golden Retriever unlimited access to her food. She really needs to eat a lot and her stomach just can’t hold enough food at one time due to her pregnancy. So it is better if you eat less but more often. And don’t worry if you have a tendency to overeat; in pregnant dogs, this habit usually disappears.

Until the last two to three weeks it is not necessary to limit your Golden Retriever in physical activities. The only thing that can be avoided is long-distance walking and running. However, in the last two weeks you must be very careful not to let your tummy hit. Otherwise, the young may fall off the wall of the uterus and their development will stop. As a result, you will have stillborn puppies.

It is interesting that the size of the belly depends on the position in which the puppies are. Sometimes you won’t be able to tell if the dog is pregnant until the last ten or twelve days. In the last days before birth, you may start to vomit the water you just drank. You can also feel or see the milk coming out of your nipples. However, this is usually not the case for new mothers.

Deworming and vaccinations are not recommended during Golden Retriever pregnancy. If it is time for your annual vaccination, wait until you give birth, it is safe to do so when you are breastfeeding. If you still need deworming, you should check with your vet about safe pregnancy medication.

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