• December 22, 2022

Are you anti aging?

There is a new science called Life Extension where scientists are trying to figure out how we can live longer. We rely on antiaging medicine, experimental gerontology, and biomedical gerontology to investigate how we can be helped in our declining years.

There are few of us who wouldn’t want to live longer if we were healthy and vibrant, but some of us are afraid of getting old and wrinkled, and unable to participate in life the way we want to. What can we do to improve our health and reduce the debilitation that is prevalent in our aging years? There are mysterious sciences that investigate stem cells, maybe molecular repair and nanotechnology and cloning, body part replacement and gene therapy, all of which I don’t know about. I don’t understand and I’m not sure if I really want to. Not everything is pessimism! There are many simple things we can do to improve our well-being, most of which we are familiar with, but in this busy world it is hard to make time for a positive lifestyle. There are some laws to follow!

1. Fresh air; several times a day, find the freshest air you can and take several deep breaths, filling your lungs to your belly and exhaling slowly.

2. Exercise; When possible, walk or exercise early in the morning to benefit from the cooler air. This will saturate your blood cells with oxygen. Walk barefoot on the grass and regain your balance with nature.

3. Sunlight; Did you know that only 2% of sunlight enters through our skin? 98% of sunlight enters through our eyes! Artificial lighting contributes to hyperactivity, stress and eyestrain. Along with that, we crave carbs, want more sleep, and get irritable and depressed; The lack of ultraviolet light during winter is the main reason for depression. When the amount of sunlight we get is reduced, our immune systems drop and we get more cold and flu viruses.

4. Rest; Do you have a restful sleep at night? We can improve the quality of our sleep by having an active lifestyle, seeking a regular sleep schedule, not sleeping on a full stomach, reducing stimulants such as the computer, television, tobacco and caffeine long before going to bed; relax at your place with a bath, herbal tea and an inspiring book or soft music. Avoid alcohol as it interferes with good sleep and body repair.

5. Take time to be thankful for the many blessings we have. Research has shown that spirituality helps manage stress, strengthen the immune system, and protect against heart disease and cancer. Beyond these benefits, God promises eternal life to those who trust in Him: a life of perfect health and freedom from pain, fear, and death. We can ask God to give us a spiritual perspective so we can truly hear him and lean on his strength.

6. Water; Soda and coffee can’t clean the inside of our bodies any more than they can clean the outside! We need a lot of water every day to cleanse and flush out toxins and flush them out. 6-8 glasses of water are recommended every day.

7. Nutrition; Do we rely on taste buds as the criteria for choosing the food we buy for ourselves and our children, or do we strive to plan a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle? The numbers of people affected by chronic diseases are staggering. We make decisions every day that affect the way we live and feel; good diet and lifestyle choices can reduce our chances of getting sick. Plants grow using minerals from the soil. these are passed on to us! Hippocrates said something that still applies today… let food be your medicine! The life-giving elements of our plant foods can be damaged by heat, so buy the freshest you can and increase the amount of raw foods you eat each day to get the most out of them.


A large industry of health care products is with us and there are a plethora of health care products to choose from, trying to provide us with the nutrition that is missing from our lives. We need it? Which ones do we buy? Every day science gives us more information about the health benefits they have found in our food! Even wine and coffee! then the vitamin companies find a way to artificially produce the element found in the plant… I find this disturbing; But there are companies that make liquids from fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants, and these have to be better! Take the time to really look at what you and your family are eating and see where you can encourage better, fresher food and improve your quality of life.

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