• August 13, 2022

All about hair care

Hair care is the most important part of the day due to pollution and other related factors, the nutrition and strength of the hair today is much less compared to earlier times. So here are some tips and tricks to guide you through the hair care process.

Have a hair care routine

Having a set period or interval of days where you wash your hair and oil it helps keep your hair nourished and healthy. It also prevents shedding and other scalp related issues.

shampoo fine

First of all, we must choose the shampoo that has the right PH balance and is not too acidic in nature, as it damages the hair. Additionally, we can use apple cider vinegar as a pre-shampoo treatment to help add nutrients and give hair extra shine after washing. We must apply the shampoo from the root to the middle of the hair shaft. We must strictly avoid shampoos based on silicone, sulfate and alcohol. We must rinse the shampoo with cold water since hot water opens the pores which causes hair loss. Never, I mean never in your entire life, brush or tie wet hair, this leads to the development of dandruff and dandruff. We should not wash our hair frequently and also wrap it with a cotton towel or a t-shirt after washing it.

coconut oil

When we need healthy hair, coconut oil is our best friend. Coconut not only nourishes the hair by adding nutrients to it, but also moisturizes and detangles it. It is not greasy and helps restore lost nutrients.


We must have a suitable 8hrs. From sleep, at night it helps our body to repair itself and treat the damage that occurs on a daily basis. Also, if we have healthy hair, we should sleep on silk pillows as they are softer on the hair compared to regular pillowcases when tossing and turning in our sleep and we should also braid our hair while sleeping as it helps prevent let them get tangled up

hair masks

Besides shampoos, conditions, and oils, many other products can help and nourish hair instead of hair masks. Once or twice a week we should use a hair mask depending on the type of hair and the consistency. The egg yolk, honey and coconut oil mask help nourish damaged hair. The combination of apple cider vinegar, Greek yogurt, and honey helps reduce hair breakage. Lemon juice and olive oil hair mask helps to cure itchy scalp. For dry hair, we can combine avocado and coconut oil. Baking soda and coconut oil help reduce dandruff buildup.

Other precautions

Braid your hair while you go out, oil your hair regularly, as soon as you find a problem on your scalp or see hair loss, see a doctor.

These small steps can help ensure beautiful hair is followed correctly

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