• April 14, 2023

Add videos to your website to improve your search engine rankings

If you’re running an internet marketing business, chances are you already own one or more professionally designed websites, so with the advancement of internet technology, even if you’re not a young internet savvy, nor designer. website builder or internet marketing guru, you’ll be able to hang on with the help of ready-made templates and create that professional looking business website. Then you would practice various types of search engine optimization (SEO) methods to try to get your website to appear on the first page of Google or Yahoo searches. But the question is: has your website generated enough new business? Designing a website is one skill, ranking high on search engines like Google or Yahoo is another skill.

By common definition, a good website is not just about looks, ease of navigation, and the information it provides, but it should be one that your potential customers can easily find. If your website design doesn’t give you good design and SEO, then it’s like having a website that no one can find. But, if everyone understands these important concepts and does exactly what is required, it is again another battle to compete to get to the first search page.

One solution to this problem is to add video to the website. With the same concept of SEO for the website being optimized, and then adding video to the website, it will stand out from the crowd and certainly help to rank high in search engines. The experiences of many successful internet marketers are that they have produced a series of videos for the internet and have embedded them on websites which have improved their ranking on internet search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN etc.

However, just like a static website, the most important key to using web video for website promotion is to make videos that are interesting, entertaining, and most of all, informative. ie, “Content is king!” As a complete newbie, you will have a very difficult time getting video production up and running, minus the important elements of SEO consideration. Fortunately there is a solution for such a problem! With the help of software called “Content Website Builder”, it can help shorten the time to create a content-rich video to add to your website.

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