• September 3, 2021

3 Reasons Your Equestrian Business Should Trade On Twitter

Social media marketing is a term that we are all used to hearing. But as an equestrian business, you might be left wondering what it really is. And more importantly, what does this mean to me? We are constantly being told to promote ourselves in one way or another. It is quite difficult for a newbie to keep up.

What is Twitter?

We will first see what Twitter actually is. The social networking site allows users to post short 140-character ads to their “followers.” You have to “follow” a user to see their Tweets, and you can post about anything.

Unlike Facebook, for example, “following” someone is not mutual. If you follow them, they don’t automatically follow you. Each user has a unique Twitter identifier (also known as a username) that they must include when sending a message to someone.

The best way to find out what Twitter is all about is to join. But once you’ve created an account for your equine business, what’s next? How can you turn a social network account into a marketing tool? Here are 4 reasons why you should promote your equestrian business on Twitter:

1. Socialize

Horse-based businesses and sports are very close. You spend a lot of time at events talking to your clients face to face. Social media is the perfect way to socialize with your customers. You can get to know them more informally or answer your questions.

You can also use Twitter to network with other equine professionals. In marketing terms, this is invaluable. You’re making your name “come out” without being a “salesperson.” Keep it natural and make sure you have an informal “business voice”.

2. Showcase

If you have a new product, Twitter is the perfect place to show it off. The site allows you to upload images, videos, and links. This means that the character limit will not be a problem. You can direct your follower to a web page with all the information they need.

As a marketing tool, this is invaluable. Especially for equine businesses, customers like to see their products before they are fully convinced to buy. You can use their Twitter page to show exactly why they shouldn’t hesitate any longer.

3. Share

In addition to showcasing your products, you can use Twitter to share your knowledge. Are you an expert in the blacksmith industry? Link your Twitter account to your blog and automatically share your posts with your followers. This will drive traffic to your website, as well as make your business name “pop”.

As an equine business, you must be at the forefront. Your clients are Internet experts and they are moving online. You need to make sure you have an active presence there. Twitter will generate organic traffic to your site. Isn’t that the type of traffic that all businesses seek to attract?

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