• July 12, 2022

World of Warcraft Cheats: 4 WoW Feats

World of Warcraft hacks and exploits aren’t necessarily cheats, just fun and sometimes profitable “special cases” that players have encountered while adventuring. Here are some that you can try for yourself.

See the mob gun drops before they get killed

This WoW cheat is for the Alter of Storms (and maybe other places) in the Blasted Lands. The monsters that appear there seem to have a bug with weapon drops. If the mob is going to drop a weapon or makeshift item, you’ll see them carrying it instead of their staff, sword, etc. defaults.

You can use this to search for epic drops! Both the glowing glowing wooden staff and Krol’s blade have the potential to drop here, so there’s a lot of gold to be made by picking and killing the right mobs! Just run around scanning mobs and if one is holding a Glowing Brightwood instead of their boring staff or sword, you’re guaranteed the staff when you kill them!

(This also shows that loot is predetermined when the mob spawns instead of being allocated once there’s a corpse.)

Sell ​​your AH items above normal price

It’s not exactly a World of Warcraft exploit, but it’s a good way to use players’ greed against them and earn extra gold quickly. First, you must have an epic/blue that you want to sell. Put it on the auction house for a much higher price than normal using an alt and then advertise it’s on the trade channel (eg shiny shiny wooden staff in AH – 500 gold (normally costs around 250 Prayed)).

Log in to your front page a few minutes later and announce that you want to purchase the item, eg WTB Glowing Brightwood Staff! You will pay 700g!

People are so greedy that they will go to AH and buy your staff and sell you for 700 gold.

Next, let’s say someone is already going to sell you one and you just sold an epic for a higher price than normal easily, quickly and without scams. This is not a WoW hack or WoW exploit, but it works like a charm!

Easy Warrior Weapon Skills

The trick is to find an undead skeleton or ghost-type mob that is immune to Rend. Load them and render continuously. It will be immune, but it will still count as a swing and you will still level up the skill. You will also keep your rage because the mob is immune and you will be able to continuously render without needing to deal any damage. Therefore, it allows you to do it an infinite number of times, until your skill with the weapon is maximum.

Change your character’s name during realm transfer

This is old, but I’m putting it here for people who don’t know. If the character’s name already exists on the realm you wish to transfer, you will have the option to select a new name. So just create a new character with your current name on the realm before starting the transfer.

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