• September 3, 2021

When you were born? The Thunderbird clan in Native American astrology

What clan are you a part of: tortoise, frog, butterfly or thunderbird?

Native american astrology

This is a spiritual system that uses a twelve-month calendar and connects dates of birth with power animals, elements, seasonal animals, and animal clans. Native American astrology connects each range of birth dates to a clan animal. There are four clans: butterfly, turtle, frog, and thunderbird.

Clan Thunderbird

If you are a member of the Thunderbird clan, then you have the eagle as an animal spirit companion.

Birth dates of members of the Thunderbird clan

March 21-April 19

July 23-August 22

November 22 to December 21

What Thunderbird / Eagle offers

“The Thunderbird, to Native Americans, is most often depicted in the form of an eagle. This was the great spirit that controlled lightning and rain, punishment and reward. To the Cree of the Plains, all eagles had a mystical power, and these powers could be shared by anyone who possessed part of the bird. To ally with the eagle medicine is to take responsibility and the power to become much more than it appears to be now. To accept the eagle as a totem is to accept a powerful new dimension of life, and greater responsibility for your spiritual growth. “- Ted Andrews, Speak animal

(1) With the eagle, you have access to spiritual growth and power, as well as the ability to easily move between the spirit world and the earthly plane of existence.

(2) Eagle asks you to be willing to explore your emotions and connect more deeply with your inner child for healing and for a greater sense of passion and creativity.

(3) Eagle offers alchemy and purification as you fly towards your own sun. You may be assigned a healing role for yourself and others.

(4) With Eagle, you have access to new vision and the ability to clearly see past, present, and future.

How to connect more deeply

(1) Use Cedar Wood to enhance intuition and connect with the Divine. Meditate and then journal about any insight or insight that has come your way.

(2) Write in your journal every day for at least 21 days. Observe whatever judgments you are making about others and write about any aspect of those traits on yourself. At the same time, keep a gratitude list, jotting down at the end of each day what you are thankful for having experienced.

Eagle Lessons

Eagle can teach you to see from a new perspective, to fearlessly connect to every hidden part of yourself, to let go of judgment, to heal and grow spiritually, and to stay grounded at the same time.

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