• April 25, 2021

What takes you away from your destiny?

“A man without purpose is like a ship without a rudder: a wanderer and nothing, a nobody.” Thomas carlyle

What drives you? Everyone is driven by something good or bad. You may be driven in the moment by a problem, pressure, or deadline. These things are only temporary. However, many of us are driven by some unconscious belief, fear, or painful memory. The Bible in Ecclesiastes 1: 2, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” Without a clear and concise purpose, everything is vanity and bad things drive us. These are some of the things that keep you from your destiny and your call to Christ.

1. People are driven by guilt. Guilt will sabotage your own success. There is some action in your past that made you feel guilty or someone made you feel guilty about something. We are all products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of our past.

2. People are driven by resentment and anger. Some people cling to wounds and never get over them. It’s like not forgiving someone for something they did to you in the past. It hurts more than it hurts them. Your offender has probably completely forgotten about you, but if you keep this pain inside you, it can prevent you from doing God’s will for your life.

3. People are moved by fear. That’s me. I was driven by fear for many years. Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from doing God’s will for your life. Fears can be the result of many things, such as a traumatic experience, growing up in a very controlling home, unrealistic expectations, and even a genetic predisposition. People driven by fear miss out on many great opportunities.

4. People are driven by materialism. Many people, especially those of us in the Western world, base our happiness on material things. We get our security from the material. The thing is, possessions only provide temporary happiness. Once happiness is over, we need more things to make us feel safe and happy again.

5. People are driven by the need for approval. Many adults are trying to win the approval of other people because they could never get the approval of their parents. That’s me too. I always tried to please people because I couldn’t get my father’s approval. He died and I will never approve him. We cannot be controlled by the opinions of others or we will lose God’s purpose for our lives.

All these things that can propel us will lead us to something, unused potential, unnecessary stress, and an unsatisfied life. They take you away from your destination. If you want to have the life that will fulfill your destiny, you must go to the giver of life and ask him to heal you and fill you with the right emotions for the task ahead.

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