• November 5, 2022

What do you do when she says definitely maybe on a date?

When a girl says “definitely maybe” to a date, it can be frustrating and confusing. We also know that if you’re reading this right now, you might feel that way. When girls give mixed signals, it’s hard to know what to do. All you want is that perfect date and for the whole process to go smoothly, yet she is confusing him and making it difficult. Very frustrating indeed!

The whole process can be even worse if you used all the courage you could muster to ask her out in the first place. This may have been a very difficult process for you, and when she finally gave her answer, it was just a ‘definitely maybe’. This of course means that she will need to use a lot more confidence to continue the process. You’ll either have to get rid of your nerves and keep asking, or work hard to get rid of the maybe and keep the definitely.

the two possibilities
There are two possibilities if a girl definitely tells you that maybe for a date, and unfortunately, you will have to find out the truth for yourself. This could mean that you should keep asking her, talk to her more, spend more time with her, or just reflect on the signs she has already given you. Ultimately, you may have to make a decision to keep pursuing her as much, especially if the girl keeps giving you the same hesitant answer.

The two possibilities are that yes, she is interested in you, but she is nervous about fully committing to the date for some reason. This is the good option. The negative possibility is that she doesn’t really want to go on a date with you, yet she tries hard not to hurt your feelings. This is what you will have to decide for yourself, so she thinks carefully about how she has behaved around you and the things she has said to you.

She is interested, keep it up!
If she is interested in you, you will know because there will probably be some flirting with her response. She may smile cheekily at you, she may want to spend a lot of time with you, and she may talk to you more than other people. These are all good signs that she is interested in you and she will definitely want to go on a date with you. This is definitely not an answer maybe, because she is interested, very interested, but something prevents her from going forward.

It is possible that if you think that she is very interested in you, you could talk to her about it. Just say very honestly that she is giving you mixed signals and that you would like a clearer answer. I could just wait again and ask another day.

If you think that the girl is seriously interested in you, but something is holding her back, and that is why she has given you the ultimate answer, make sure you spend time with her. Even if you’re shy, don’t back down. This doesn’t mean you should confront or pressure her, it just means that if you give in now, she might think it’s YOU that she’s not interested in.

Be brave, be polite, and ask a few more times. Try to suggest things you could do together. Give specific suggestions for dates she might continue and make sure they are simple and easy for her. Make it casual and easy. Maybe a coffee, or a meal. If she feels comfortable with you and the date you suggest, then it will be easier for her to say yes!

Sorry, give up or try harder!
The other possibility is that she really isn’t interested in you, and says definitely maybe, because she’s nervous and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. At times like this, she can seem nervous. She may seem sad or stressed, and she’ll probably look away from you. Girls like this will go out of their way to avoid you, because they really don’t want to be embarrassed anymore.

These are the watchpoints to keep in mind, and ultimately you will have to make the right decision yourself. If a girl really isn’t into you and is showing all the signs, it might be best to cut your loss, back off, and try a new beauty.

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