• January 6, 2023

Two great tips to build your business

Two ways to build your business faster

Hey guys, how are you feeling about your business today? That’s a question you need to ask yourself regularly, because if you’re not in love with your business, how can you interest others?

We all have bad days, but they should be the exception rather than the rule, so to cheer you up here are two ideas to reinvigorate your business.


It never ceases to amaze me that so many people spend fortunes trying to get new customers and never bother to keep in touch with previous satisfied customers.

Pull out your old receipt book and see how many potential customers you know are lurking there.

Depending on what business you’re in, come up with something that you can offer these former customers that not only gives them something of value but also says HELLO, I’d love to do business with you again.

You’ll be surprised how many will react when you contact them, and once they do respond, you’ll have started a conversation that could well end in more business.

Don’t keep trying to load the front of the truck if potential customers are falling out the back.


Many people get too involved in being competitive. My suggestion is that you find your point of difference and improve it. People are looking for solutions to their problems and are short on time, so if you can point to a problem and offer a solution, you are in a field of one and not in competition.

One mistake that many people make in business is constantly monitoring the prices of other businesses, and while this should be flexibly monitored, it’s not as important if you’re offering something different.

Once you figure out exactly what problems your customers are having and offer them a solution, it’s amazing how much of a deal breaker your line price becomes.

Have faith in what you are doing and confidently tell your customers how your products or services will benefit them.

Businesses are changing and the more effort you put into communicating correctly with your customers, the easier your sales will be.

Once you believe in your business, it is very easy to convince others.

Do these things correctly and you will notice that you feel different and your business will grow without too much extra effort.

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