• April 7, 2023

Top 5 Reasons Cybercrime is Ruining the Internet

Following Microsoft’s launch of its new CyberCrime Center, now would be a good time to discuss the need for such a center and why the future of the Internet looks bleak without it and other such labs.

Simply put, the center is a multidisciplinary task force that has been given the unenviable task of providing high-level policing against cybercrime or nipping criminal activity in the bud. Security engineers, digital forensics experts, and lawyers are working together to stop alarming trends including cyber fraud, cyber extortion, and cyber bullying.

Let’s take a look at why this Center was established and the main reasons why, if left unchecked, cybercrime could threaten the very foundation of the Internet and the pervasive communication it has brought us.

1. Temptation. As the years go by, more and more people are on the Internet. It provides a fast and international way of communication. As more people see that they can “hide” behind their device, the greater the temptation to try something criminal. It’s very easy to lie to someone when you can’t see it. This is a recipe for disaster.

2. Trust. The more people who have been duped through internet crime, the more likely the average person is to start staying away. This is not what those who are developing viable and up-to-date technologies want to see. However, as is often the case, the few (but increasingly) screw it up for the many.

3. Hack mania. The culture of “hacking” has become a competitive nightmare. The culture of the so-called “smart” has become a race to be the smartest. This doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Hacking, in many cases, is nothing more than a low-level curiosity.

4. Laws that can’t catch up. The Internet began about 30 years ago. It was the wild west. It’s still the wild west. Technology moved beyond existing laws. Basically, there were no laws for anything like the Internet. Lawmakers have tried to address this, but when you fall behind, it’s very hard to catch up in this type of game.

5. No deterrence. For example, it might seem like fun for a 12-year-old to waste time hacking bank information or stealing money from credit cards. He rides his bike home from school. Get’s on his laptop at home and does his thing. So he steals money from a 6-year-old retired grandmother, who lives thousands of miles away, and secretly thinks, “Wow, so easy, and who’s going to catch me?” reality of her transgression because she lives in a virtual world. Until something is done to force a return to a world of reality, it is clear that this type of offense can become the norm rather than the exception. These people have not only taken the livelihood of others, but have made a complete mess of one of the greatest discoveries on this planet.

The Internet is a beautiful tool, when used correctly. Let’s hope the CyberCrime unit can help curb unwanted activity, and we’ll all have a safe Internet experience for a long time to come.

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