• January 11, 2023

Top 3 Reasons to Become Visible NOW!

The economy is picking up, digital public services are improving, and technology is disintermediating person-to-person intimacy, so you better have an online presence with a virtual representation of yourself or carry the equivalent of your old cell phone. brick into a fancy iPhone world. Carry on with that particular philosophy and let’s see where it takes you, just say n. Visibility is key and central to your professional well-being and it’s easier than you think! Why do it, you ask?


There are so many connectivity platforms that you have no excuse. Whether it’s LinkedIn or a host of others, you need to rise above the sea of ​​similarities and make yourself visible. Stop hiding in plain sight for God’s sake, intentionally or not. At least stay out of the fray by tweaking your personal profile (social resume), zeroing in on a couple of key words and phrases, and getting a decent photo of yourself… seriously! Don’t waste your professional visibility efforts on Facebook (equivalent to a neighborhood cocktail), engage with LinkedIn, Brand Yourself, About Me or Qnary, just to name a few of the most popular platforms. Get up off the proverbial couch and get out there!


People are watching. Opportunities abound, particularly in this recovering economy. Between social media and the excellent functionality of search engines, queries are ubiquitous, and whether it’s about employment, social media, or counselling, there are plenty of opportunities. Are you positioned? Passive online recruiting for all of the above is rampant and I suspect you wouldn’t mind going blind with a significant career upgrade, a social invite, a mentoring fee, or a start-up invite…or would you?


In the absence of a strong online presence, people may wonder if you are incapable, indifferent, or just hiding something. Good, bad or indifferent, this is how it is interpreted. It doesn’t matter who you are or the quality of your background; You must have a significant online presence with a high-quality virtual representation of yourself. People are searching, and whether you are a Harvard grad, high school dropout, or even enrolled at the pinnacle of universities, Sam Houston State University, you need to tell your story if you want to reach beyond your sphere of immediate influence. . You have talents, skills and specialties, things you do well, so tell your story! With the appropriate key words, phrases, and descriptions of your skill set and talents, you have a great opportunity to make the so-called short list and come face to face with a decision maker where you can do what you do best and that represents your product. number one… YOU.

Digital media is an indispensable platform, and used responsibly (read: intelligently) can exponentially increase your visibility. In other words, it’s your personal megaphone, so use it! It can be your agent and publicist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Put it to work for you full time. A few hundred words can paint a perfect picture of who you are and be there on your behalf 24 hours a day. Who couldn’t use that? Opportunities are checking the web; it’s just a more efficient way of discovery and they’re getting better and better. From the recent college grad to the Fortune 50 CEO, everyone has some form of online presence and, as scary as it may be: worldwide visibility. Just make sure yours isn’t the early Sunday morning version of yourself (ouch!).

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