• November 7, 2021

Tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses every day?

If your truthful answer is yes, read on and be prepared to be surprised.

Do you realize that your dependence on vision correction prescribed by your optician may actually be making your eyesight worse?

When was the last time your eye exam revealed that your vision had improved over the previous eye exam?

Interesting thought, don’t you agree?

This simple but effective method guarantees perfect vision, without the need for any dangerous and expensive eye surgery!

Would you like a life without corrective glasses if possible?

Have you considered eye surgery but are concerned about the long-term effects it may have?

Long-term effects have not yet been documented as the procedures are relatively new and as such conclusions can take years to emerge, as is the case with all relatively new techniques.

Dr. Bates used to be an optician until the decisive moment when he realized that people who lived in remote parts of the jungle never suffered from vision problems.

Careful research by Dr. Bates also looked at the fact that children rarely need glasses until ophthalmic services decide they need them.

Did you know that our ancestors almost never suffered from vision problems? Recent archaeological studies clearly show that our ancestors had perfect vision for 20 to 20 years, which they relied on to hunt, fish, and make tools.

It is a proven fact that if you have some sight, you can reverse poor vision and regain 20-20 vision and keep it forever.

I was unaware of these amazingly simple methods to regain my uncorrected youthful vision until I researched this method.

I was so surprised by the enormous amount of research done by Dr. Bates that I just commissioned this system because I am so sick of losing my glasses or not being able to find them when I need them.

If this sounds like you, please read on.

This scientifically proven method from Dr. William H. Bates provides clear and simple step-by-step instructions that have benefited thousands of people just like us, as his huge testimonial dossier clearly shows.

Those of us who feel the compulsion to read using only some type of eye correction will understand.

This is by far the most compelling information I have seen for sight restoration and you owe it to yourself by viewing this information which is even documented in You Tube videos as I write.

Think about what you could do with 20-20 vision and the money you would save by using a natural way instead of eye surgery or, a life dependent on glasses you don’t really need!

Eliminate the constant deterioration of your vision as you age and sadly, we all get older.

It would be so nice if we got younger but unfortunately totally illogical.

These simple natural techniques were used by all American forces to improve recruits’ poor vision and are still used around the world, especially in sniper training, where sight is so crucial.

After the death of Dr. Bates, the powers that be tried to erase his life work, they burned most of his weekly newsletters and his books claiming that the ophthalmic services had lost a fortune thanks to his dedication to the restoration of sight.

William H. Bates was a pioneer in natural sight regeneration techniques, to whom we all owe an enormous debt of gratitude. It gave us a choice, natural restoration or high lifetime costs.

Take the time to see all the details on this topic and improve your morning!

Written by Eric Breeze on July 18th, 2010.

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