• October 9, 2022

The very unusual goblin shark

Did you know that about 400 different species of sharks are known? Maybe there are still some new ones to discover, especially when you hear about the goblin shark. It has a Japanese name and is known as ‘Mitsukurina Owstoni’.

This very rare shark is usually found at a depth of 1,200 meters, and sunlight does not penetrate to these depths. Any creatures in these depths are often very strange in appearance, as they do not need to rely on normal characteristics to attract or hunt their prey. For example, sea creatures that live much closer to the ocean’s surface use colors or fantastic displays to attract prey.

The goblin shark is found primarily in the waters off Japan, and would you believe there are only 45 documented finds in scientific journals? Scientists also believe that goblin sharks are one of the oldest creatures in our world. They may have even survived from prehistoric times. They are really weird looking with a soft, flabby body and a long, blade-shaped nose. Their jaws are very sharp with fang-like teeth.

They grow to around 3.8 meters long and are not particularly harmful to humans; Mind you, not many humans can see them. When they hunt, they sense their prey as they can rarely see it. They use the electrosensitive bodily organs they possess to know when food is nearby.

As they close in on their prey, they quickly snap out their jaws, at the same time using their muscular tongue to prod their prey into their extremely sharp teeth. The Goblin Shark loves to eat squid, crabs, and deep-sea fish like the Blackbelly Rosefish. Only in the last few years have we been able to film in the depths where the goblin shark lives and discover this weird and wonderful shark.

Everyone seems to be drawn to the mystery of the shark and the ferocious predators that they are. Owning one has been reserved for large or very rich aquariums.

But don’t despair. Have you heard of the flying shark? Sorry no live, but maybe that’s a good thing! Now you can have your very own remote controlled flying shark in your own home. They are so much fun, they don’t need to be fed and they won’t bite you! They are filled with helium and you control them with your own remote control. They move up, down and sideways. The moving fin looks extremely realistic as your shark flies around your house. Give them a larger space like a basketball court or an auditorium and they will be very happy! A flying fish can satisfy your child like the fascination with sharks.

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