• May 14, 2022

Skinny Begone – How To Build Muscle And Stop Being Called A Skinny Guy Fast

It’s hard being a skinny guy. Many people think that skinny people have been injured by our fast metabolism, but they don’t realize that we feel as embarrassed about being skinny as they are about being fat.

It is difficult to be insulted on the beach. Sometimes people don’t say it out loud, but they stare at us. Since I wanted to completely stop this situation, I did a lot of research over the past few months and there are a few things that helped me gain weight really fast. Here are some of them so that you too stop being called skinny.

Eat A LOT, but make sure it’s clean

Conventional wisdom says that skinny men should eat more to gain weight. The problem is that when people listen to this advice, they tend to start eating a lot of junk food. Of course they gain weight, but it’s mostly fat, which wasn’t what they were looking for.

Instead, try to eat whole foods like lean meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and greens. By eating a lot of calories from these types of foods, you will be able to pack on a lot of muscle very quickly, instead of just gaining fat. But you can’t gain muscle just by eating more. You also have to do the following…

lift heavy weights

The fastest way to gain muscle, considering that you already have a good diet, is by lifting heavy weights. The muscle responds to the damage caused by heavy lifting by repairing itself stronger and bigger.

The reason it’s important to take care of your nutrition first is that if you don’t have enough quality food to repair damaged muscles, then no matter how many hours you spend in the gym, you won’t build muscle.

The weight has to be heavy because it is the only way to induce the adaptation you are looking for in your body. If you instead go for another approach where you use moderate weights, you may gain muscle at first, but it won’t be sustainable and therefore you will stop building muscle very quickly.

take time to rest

Once you’ve set your diet and are lifting weights, you have to give your body time to really build the muscle you’re looking for. Your body repairs itself when you rest, so you need a lot of sleep if you want to build muscle.

You’ll probably want to sleep more anyway since you’ll be really tired from your gym sessions, so I think this endpoint won’t be a problem.

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