• March 2, 2023

SEO Tips for Using Instagram

Search engine optimization is simply a process of making your blog more visible to search engines for specific keywords or phrases. In other words, SEO is just a popularity contest between websites. The question is always which website is the most popular and relevant for specific keywords or phrases, according to a particular search engine. If the question is posed this way and not in terms of SEO strategies and techniques, you will realize that SEO goes beyond quality content and link building.

Not surprisingly, with the growth of social media, many people are using these social media websites to bolster their SEO efforts. The good news is that you don’t need SEO training to make use of these social networking websites because very little is needed to master these sites. Although some large companies hire an SEO company to manage their social media pages, there is no reason why you can’t do it to increase the popularity of your own website.

One social networking site in particular that has grown in popularity since it made its debut in 2010 is Instagram, a photo-sharing social networking website. Instagram started out as a mobile app for Apple users, but support was later added in 2012 so Android users could use it too. Although the effect of Instagram on actual search engine rankings is debatable, it is a great tool to promote your website, products, services and basically increase your website popularity and drive organic traffic. Here are some tips to help you use Instagram to promote your website.

Create a focused topic. If your Instagram account is for your website or business, make it obvious from the start. Make sure that another Instagram user visiting your profile page is in no doubt what your account is all about. This means limiting your posts not related to the website.

Describe your images. Since Instagram is a photo-sharing service, the only way to put content is to accurately describe your images or photos. Never post a photo without a description. Even a one word description is much better than none.

Make proper use of hash tags. Hash tags are popularly used to associate your image with a particular theme or subject. You can think of these hash tags as keywords in the usual way you would promote your website.

Interact with other users. Go beyond just posting images. Connect with other users by commenting on others’ images and by replying to comments on your images.

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