• November 1, 2021

Penis smell: why it happens and how to get rid of fishy smell

Among the many complaints about penis problems, unpleasant and unpleasant odors are one of the most common. As a general rule, most men don’t like to discuss these types of issues with their healthcare provider, but a fishy fishy odor can be embarrassing and certainly doesn’t turn on a potential sexual partner. Fortunately, getting rid of unpleasant penis odor can be as simple as cleaning your skin properly and applying a penis cream that contains natural moisturizing and antibacterial agents.

Causes of fishy smell from penis

Unpleasant odors from the penis are generally a sign of bacteria on the skin of the penis, especially in uncircumcised men. Dr. David King, director of urology services at Hospital El Camino de Los Gatos, CA explains that “The most common causes of bad smell around the penis would be related to poor hygiene and skin infections.”

Hygiene-related penis odor

Penile odor often occurs when dead skin cells accumulate under the foreskin, attracting bacteria that create a fishy odor directly related to a lack of proper cleaning. To address this problem, Dr. King recommends that all men remove the foreskin completely and wash the area underneath with warm water and a mild cleanser. In addition, it is important to dry the area carefully, as bacteria thrive in warm and humid places and return the foreskin to its original position.

Yeast infection

Aside from poor hygiene, skin infections can also lead to a fishy odor. Candidiasis or yeast infection is often the cause of penis odor and can affect both circumcised and uncircumcised men. Aside from an unpleasant odor, a yeast infection is often accompanied by a cheesy, whitish discharge, as well as uncomfortable burning and itching. Painful urination can also occur if the infection has affected the urethra or the opening at the tip of the penis.

Bacterial vaginosis (in sexual partners)

Men whose female sexual partners are affected by bacterial vaginosisAs long as it also causes a fishy odor due to imbalances in body chemistry, they may also experience the odor on their own penis. Again, carefully washing and moisturizing the skin on the penis can help address this problem.

Other causes of penis odor

Some of the less common causes of penis odor include urinary tract infections; bacteria that cause infection can spread to the outside of the penis, around the opening of the urethra, resulting in a detectable fishy odor. Also, some diabetics are affected by a condition known as ketonuria, in which waste products from the breakdown of fatty acids can accumulate in the urine and cause a fishy odor.

Promoting a healthy penis

Fortunately, most penile odor cases can be resolved quite easily. As mentioned above, proper hygiene is the first step. In addition to keeping the area clean, men can take the following steps to prevent or eliminate unpleasant odors from the penis:

1. Hydrate. Overly dry penile skin often develops tiny fissures that allow bacteria that are often responsible for the fishy smell to penetrate. Natural moisturizers like shea butter work well for sensitive penis skin, while those containing vitamin E create a natural moisture barrier that prevents dehydration.

2. Reduce the presence of bacteria on the skin. Nourishing the skin of the penis with natural antibacterials like vitamin A can help eliminate the presence of odor-causing bacteria and prevent bacterial infections. Additionally, vitamin C can help boost the immune system and protect the body from disease.

Apply a specialized formula that contains moisturizing penile vitamins and other nutrients. (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) As part of your daily grooming regimen, it can help keep your penis clean, healthy, and odor-free.

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