• December 5, 2022

Natural supplement for sinusitis superimmunity

As an adult, you are more likely to catch a cold if you have children or grandchildren under the age of 5. Young children are cold magnets because their immune systems haven’t fully matured and because they haven’t been sick often enough to build their defenses against the 200 known cold-causing viruses. They pass their colds on to their parents and grandparents, who can’t resist snuggling with the little ones in the weather.

Cold viruses spread in two ways: through the air and by direct contact. To reduce your chances of playing host to a virus blowing in the breeze, increase the ventilation in your home.

You can also reduce your susceptibility to cold viruses by keeping your stress levels in check. Emotional stress depresses your immune system, so a virus can easily sneak in and infect you. By relieving stress, you help strengthen your body’s immune defenses.

Symptoms of colds include: nasal congestion; face bread; headache; fever; general discomfort; thick green or yellow discharge; feeling of facial ‘fullness’ made worse by bending over; toothache


If the nasal discharge clears up after a week, you probably don’t have an infection; if the mucus is greenish or yellowish, it probably is. If the discharge is clear and you don’t have other cold symptoms, you probably have allergies.

Sometimes doctors prescribe antibiotics even if they can’t confirm a bacterial infection. The reasoning for this is that it is very difficult to determine if bacteria is causing sinusitis, and that it may be worth preventing a bacterial infection from occurring later on. As with any medication, it is important to know the benefits, risks, and costs of using and not using an antibiotic.

Colostrum will help prevent the onset of these conditions due to its stimulating effect on the immune system. Thus, it will help to reduce the number of attacks you may experience over the course of a winter, reduce the severity and duration of the attack, and speed up your recovery.

The incidence of respiratory infections and gastric discomfort was markedly reduced in breastfed babies, according to the research. Colostrum was found to contain non-specific inhibitors (NSIs), factors that inhibit a wide range of respiratory diseases, especially influenza viruses.

(Shortridge et al. Journal of Trop Pediatrics 36(2): 94-95 1990)

The immune system, like any national defense system, can always benefit from a good secret weapon. Colostrum is that weapon. One of the reasons colostrum has been used with such success by people with immune system disorders is because it has a particularly rich source of bioactive immune factors that help fine-tune immune function.

Holistic physician Nikki-Marie Welch, MD, of Sedona, Ariz., uses colostrum both personally and in the treatment of patients. “I consider it an important therapeutic aid for all patients with chronic infections, including bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Examples of such infections include recurrent sinusitis, bronchitis, hepatitis, urinary tract infections, and other bacterial invasions; herpes, Epstein Barr, and additional viral diseases, in addition to yeast syndrome, candidiasis”.

“I start everyone with acute infections with bovine colostrum,” he continues. “But in my experience, the patients who benefit the most are those with symptoms of chronic and recurring illnesses, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, infectious diarrhea, sinusitis, and fibromyalgia.”

Welch, who sees many cases of sinusitis in his part of the country, recommends bovine colostrum as an immune-boosting program. “I suggest its use for any patient who needs an immune boost,” she says.

By affecting both individual components of human immunity and the immune system as a whole, colostrum factors work together to support a healthy immune system by supporting, balancing, and even rebuilding some of the immune components for a more functional system. . In this way, colostrum strengthens all troops, aiding in the ongoing fight against invaders of all kinds.

For more information on Bovine Colostrum, visit =>http://www.BuyBovineColostrum.com

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