• September 25, 2022

Is HEM Ankle Rehab a Miracle Cure?

Sorry to disappoint you, but no, it’s not. It simply uses science to improve an outdated ankle treatment system. Most people read about Hem Ankle Rehabilitation and think that it is impossible to speed up our body’s recovery. After an injury, in this case an ankle injury, a period of rest can give the body time to heal. While the body is equipped to handle injuries and heal itself, with modern science and knowledge, we can help the body recover faster. Like curing illnesses, losing weight, or anything else we help our natural healing process, it’s not a miracle, it’s just being smart. HEM Ankle Rehab is not about popping pills or a revolutionary new alternative to RICE. The most important thing about HEM ankle rehabilitation is that it focuses on the rehabilitation of the injured area. After a period of 48 hours, RICE becomes ineffective and can actually be detrimental to recovery. Scar tissue forms in the area which can leave the joint stiff and prone to re-injury. HEM ankle rehab involves getting fresh blood into your sprained ankle, which can remove scar tissue and blood clots. It is also about moving and exercising the joint to increase flexibility, strengthen it and therefore protect it against re-injury.

A few months ago I sprained my ankle running. It was nothing I needed to see a doctor for, but it was serious enough that I couldn’t walk for two days. I was getting ready to move to a new apartment across town and decided I didn’t need a moving truck (so I could save some money). However, after my injury I didn’t know what I was going to do. My friends had jobs, I hadn’t called the mover, and I didn’t have a car. He had to make those few taxi rides count or he would be spending more on cab fares than on the mover. I need a way to recover fast, so I searched the internet for ways to shorten recovery time for sprained ankles. Almost every site said there was nothing I could do. He could only rest and let it heal itself with time. I didn’t have time. The 48-hour RICE period was over, and I didn’t feel right sitting at home stressing about the move. So, with a bit of skepticism, I purchased the HEM Ankle Rehabilitation Treatment eBook. I think we are all skeptical about the things we buy online. But I thought it was worth a try for $20, and there was a money-back guarantee.

It was great. The instructions were clear and there were color pictures to follow. I spent the next two days following the advice of Scott Malin (the designer of the HEM ankle rehab) and within three days (a total of 5 from the time of the injury) I was walking normally and able to move on my own: carrying bags, climbing stairs, getting in and out of taxis, etc. I could not believe it. Some people don’t recover from a sprained ankle for months, and I was moving house after 5 days (which is great for my grade 2 ankle injury)!

I’ll be honest, I still found my ankle tight and a little sore, it wasn’t until a few more days that I didn’t feel any pain when walking, and two weeks before I was running, but maybe my degree of sprain was more serious. Regardless, when I consider the money I might have spent on medical bills, physical therapists, time off work, or just the things I might have missed sitting at home with a sprained ankle, I know that the $20 I spend on HEM ankle rehab it was worth it. After all, time is money and the faster you recover, the faster you can get back to your normal life.

You might enjoy watching Oprah with her ankle in the air, passing the minutes until your body heals itself. For me, I like to take action and get on the road to rehab with the HEM Ankle Rehab.

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