• November 18, 2022

How to burn calories while cleaning the house

I recently changed gyms, my old gym had no windows, was cramped and stuffy and I didn’t really enjoy going. The setting makes a difference so I canceled that contract and moved to the local leisure center which has a great pool and big air conditioned rooms with big windows and natural light coming in, much better in my opinion and I’m looking forward to working again .

To kick off my new love for all things heavy and repetitive, I bought a heart rate monitor that measures how many calories you can burn while exercising. I tried this in a spin class where I burned 1042 Cal in 45 minutes and in weight training where I hit 450 Cal which is pretty good.

I was wondering how many calories carpet cleaning burns so today I wore my watch while cleaning a 3 bedroom house in London 3 rooms and stairs which took me around three and a half hours with no break from start to finish and all packed . The results were amazing, 2568 Calories, wow!

This got me thinking how can you turn mundane housework into exercise?
Take a look at these steps and see if you agree:

1. Maintain this position while cleaning the bathtub: when scrubbing the bathtub at all angles, get into a squatting position and hold it, do not lean on your hind legs, stay suspended and feel the burn.

2. Get up close to the cobwebs: Get a two-step block, similar to the ones kids use when they help wash the dishes. Grab the duster and go up, dust, go down and repeat… Go forward and repeat, I assure you that once you go down the hall cleaning cobwebs your thighs will burn.

3. Pump your arms when you hang your clothes – don’t just pick them up and hang them. Lift, lift, lift and hang, lift, lift, lift and hang. Just don’t let the neighbor see you!

4. Vacuum with authority: Don’t just pull your carpet cleaner across the room, pump those arms and clean each section of carpet with more than three strokes, including stairs where you might be able to walk on the spot one step at a time. . while cleaning about 3 steps up.

Cleaning the house and exercising are not necessarily pleasures, but the combination of the two can produce fantastic results both in the body and in the home. So go ahead and give it a try, get your heart rate up, clean those rugs and windows, and get those guns!

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