• July 10, 2021

Healing bud chakras in animals

Working with animals and their chakra centers is a fun part of animal healing. The ones that amaze me the most are the Bud Chakras of the animal. Most animals have six of these chakra points that help detect changes in frequency and energy. These are amazing sensory areas for animals and can help explain many behaviors to humans if we pay close attention to them.

There are four Bud Chakras at the bottom of each animal. One is located at the bottom of each foot, hoof, claw, pad, or paw. These four energy centers help the animal to ground its own energy, as well as to detect energy changes. For example, these are the energy sensors that help detect when earthquakes are approaching, as you will notice a wide variety of animals fleeing a local area a few days before this happens. You can heal these chakra areas using Brown Carnelian or Jasper.

There are two Bud Chakras in each of the animal’s ears. These are located in the base opening on each side. These also aid the animal in its ability to sense energy shifts that are not felt directly through the ground or the points of the ball of the foot chakra. You can work on these Bud Chakras with a combination of amber and clear quartz to heal or remove any blockages.

Be sure to work in these areas with sensitivity, as animals are not so open to allow these areas to heal due to the extreme changes they may feel. Start a session with your feet on the ground and in the center, along with an open heart and mind, you will achieve a successful session for both you and the animal.

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