• May 5, 2021

Group coaching model that is super simple to implement

A group coaching program can be really difficult to implement or very easy to implement. Some of the common things I hear when I refer a client to start group coaching are:

1) I don’t have time to talk to dozens of clients every week

2) I don’t have time to spend 5-10 hours a week writing lesson plans

3) I can’t be available 24/7 by email

4) It just takes too long.

5) It’s a lot of work technically to do.

And the thing is, they are all valid, because in many of the older models, this is how it could have worked.

In fact, maybe as you read that list, you are thinking, yes, that’s me, I want to start a coaching program, but it seems like too much work.

So let me ask you this:

What if I showed you a way that you can train 100 – 1000 clients in just 2 hours a week, and they get almost the same results as working with you 1-1?

If that would be cool, if you felt like, “yeah, I could do that,” then read on!

Because I’m going to show you a super simple coaching model that really works.

Before I get into this, I want to go over one concept: and that’s the idea that group coaching doesn’t get the same results as 1-1 coaching.

The point is that coaching itself is not what works.

The ACTION and implementation of your clients gives them results.

The main reason 1-1 coaching generally performs better than group coaching is because with 1-1 coaching, the client feels compelled to finish their work before the next scheduled call.

How many times has your client said to you, “yesterday I remembered that I had not finished the assignment you gave me and I thought about canceling today’s session, but I decided to work late to complete the job” or something similar?

The thing is, if that client had been in group coaching, they probably wouldn’t have done the job.

But is it really group coaching or client motivation that gets the job done?

Your client needs to step up and do the work on their own. You are a coach, not a babysitter. You are a coach, not a high school teacher. It is your clients responsibility to get the job done. You need to learn to manage your time and learn to focus. You can teach him those things, but he has to.

You are a coach, not a personal assistant, personal planner, or timer.

Now here’s the thing, if you’re willing to limit yourself to helping only 20 clients at a time, when you have within you the ability to change possibly millions of lives (I mean, how many people NEED what you help with?), then you probably shouldn’t do group coaching.

But what if you knew that there are 1000 people RIGHT NOW in your circles whom you could help significantly, as long as THEY are personally responsible for their results?

So yeah, 1-1 coaching gets better results. But it’s not for the teaching (think about it, if you have 20 clients, over time you work with all of your clients on the same 95% of the material that you work with everyone else, right?). 5% of your individually trained material is unique.

So why are you doing 1-1 training with a 5% difference? Why not just do a group coaching session that teaches 95%, then open the call for group questions and answers, and anyone who needs a unique 5% solution can speak with you personally.

When you do that, do you open yourself up to being able to genuinely HELP 100-1000 people rather than limiting yourself to your own ability to deliver 20 hours (or less) of quality 1-1 each week?

(And before I give you the blueprint, let me just say this, maybe you have 100-1000 group coaching clients, PLUS 1-1 clients who really need personal attention because they want to do much, much more than you teach most of the clients. and they really need more personal attention to outperform your average client. They are willing to pay more for their time. And you are willing to coach 2-5 1-1 clients at a time. And that’s fine. I think without However, most of your coaching can, and should, be done in a group setting. Read on to see how easy it is.)

Here is the model:

-> One group coaching call of 60 to 90 minutes per week.

On this call, you will teach a topic for 45 minutes. The rest of the time is dedicated to advising, answering questions, etc. Clients learn EXACTLY what they need to learn and can talk to you as if it were 1-1, but you are not teaching 1-1.

-> After the call, send a recording of the call to your customers via autoresponder. This takes 5 minutes.

Each week, you record the 45 minutes of training you take and add it to the autoresponder campaign you’ve created for new customers, so that all new customers are sequentially exposed to each lesson you’ve taught.

This allows you to literally double up as you only teach a topic once, and whenever a client needs instruction on an already taught topic, you simply send it to that recording.

And they can always take the call live.

This total coaching program, with 100-1000 clients, only takes 60 to 90 minutes per week for the actual delivery, plus about 10 minutes per week in the queue of the emails in the delivery of your autoresponder for the clients of coaching.

That is less than 2 hours a week.

It can help hundreds of clients instead of 20.

It only takes you 2 hours a week instead of 20.

And if you REALLY want to work with 2-5 1-1 clients, you can.

Can you see how easy this can be?

It really can be that easy!

That’s what I do.

It’s what my clients do!

And you can too!

Now, you might have questions like these:

1) Well, do I have to offer email access?

Answer: you can if you want. But you don’t have to (and with 1000 clients, it is not possible for you to reply to all of their emails, so with many clients, no, if they want a question answered, they just have to come to the call [which they should come to anyway, right?]) Fair enough?

2) Do I offer access to Skype? No. Skype distracts me a lot. Skype is only useful to me for specific pre-planned conversations, where Skype would be faster than the phone. But if you’re looking at your skype box 24/7, can you say DISTRAAAAACTION?

3) Do you conduct a webinar or teleseminar for delivery?

Answer: here’s the thing: I often find that new coaches want to offer webinars for their training. They think it is more personal. Then they spend 5 hours a week preparing a powerpoint and find that 99% of everything they teach can be talked about rather than shown. If you REALLY have to show something, record what you want to show and send the recording before the call in an email. Have your clients watch the video before the live call. They can ask questions about whatever they want during the call.

Also, the webinar means that you MUST be online for the call. It means that you must have a good internet signal. It means you have to transcode the recording, upload a bulky mp4 file, and let’s face it, that can take hours of your time or your assistant’s time. PLUS, your client has to WATCH the video every week.

Instead, I use teleseminars. Many reasons.

1) I don’t have to prepare a PowerPoint.

2) I don’t have to be online (I’ve made coaching calls from Costa Rica, on the road, in my car, walking in a neighborhood when I was out of town traveling and my car was in a store, from a ski resort resort, and many other places). With a teleseminar, I just call the dial number and voila, I’m on the call.

3) Recording is done automatically by my teleseminar provider. That means that within 5 minutes of the end of the coaching call, I can email my coaching clients with the recording.

I don’t have to upload, download, transcode, deal with 400MB, nothing.

If I don’t want to, I don’t have to think about my coaching call until next week.

The system is easy when implemented in the way I just described.

You can easily train 100 – 1000 clients in a productive group coaching call, 2 hours a week with your full participation, the entire program runs almost completely on autopilot except for 2 hours a week on your part.

And you have the rest of your week to live, to focus on getting new clients and truly enjoying the entrepreneurial life you thought you would have now!

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