• August 8, 2022

Four Content Marketing Ideas You Should Try

Content marketing is one of the most profitable ways to showcase your business on the web. By creating high-quality content, your website will gain more backlinks from other websites, which will increase your ranking in Google search results. With pieces of content, you can also build a larger audience for your website through social media. The more traffic you can drive to your website, the more people will take advantage of your products or services.

For a website just starting out in content marketing, it can be a daunting challenge to start producing backlink-worthy content. In this article, we will look at four ideas for content marketing. If you like a certain type of article, you can start experimenting with that on your blog to see if it brings in traffic.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the types of content that are popular on the web today.

1.Item based on list

One of the most popular news websites is Buzzfeed, which creates articles based on lists. Recent studies on online marketing have shown that customers tend to click on titles that have a number at the beginning. Perhaps having a number in the title consolidates the amount of information. It also gives a quick overview of how many items the reader can scan.

Examples of these titles include:

• 6 reasons why your pool has algae

• 5 exciting themes for your next party/occasion

• 7 Durable Apple iPhone Cases We Love

• 4 ways to remove viruses from your PC

As you can see, these titles make it easier for the reader to click and this can increase your click-through rates in Google search results.

Creating list-based articles is easy, if you know a lot about your website’s niche. Just because your niche is in auto racing, mechanics, or window cleaning, doesn’t mean you can’t create content in it. Expand your reach and focus on the nuts and bolts of your niche and the key information consumers would like to know.

2. Infographics

Infographics are the latest trend and can help you drive more traffic and backlinks to your website. An infographic does what it says in the title. It is a graph that contains information. In a typical infographic, you can display statistics, facts, figures, and images within the chart.

Infographics have seen recent popularity in recent years, especially with the rise of Pinterest and photo sharing sites.

You don’t have to be a graphic designer to create an infographic. In fact, you can create one through websites like http://www.venngage.com or http://www.piktochart.com. All of these tools are free and offer templates. All you have to do is insert your data and statistics into the template, and you’ll have an infographic ready to go!

Once you’ve created your infographic, you can ask other websites in your niche to display or link to the infographic on their website. That way you are earning backlinks to your website. If you still want to create a text article from the article, just post the infographic text to your blog and you’ll have a text article too. If your infographic title is catchy and promises useful information, your infographic could get hundreds of social media shares and many backlinks. Some infographics have even gone viral, resulting in millions of viewers. While that’s very rare, it’s very possible that your infographic could attract new customers from both Google search results and social media.

3. An instructional article

This type of web article focuses on showing the viewer how to do something, whether it’s baking cookies or dusting the interior of their car. The scope can be very broad or it can be very narrow, depending on your niche.

Before creating titles for your articles, put in a list of keywords through Google Keyword Planner.

There are many guides online that show you how to do this, but I recommend the Backlinko Guide to finding profitable keywords with this tool.

When you have found keywords with the planner that get more than 2,000 searches per month, you can turn these keywords into titles. Some examples might include:

• How to bake cookies in 10 minutes: a faster method

• How to clean your PC from adware in thirty minutes

• How to trace your ancestry through online research

When you are writing the article, you can keep the steps short and to the point. This is one of the advantages of the “how to” article; there is no need to write long and winding passages. As long as you clearly state the steps in a concise manner and the steps help the reader, you have created a valuable asset to the online world.

Your article will start ranking alongside other guides, but if there is little competition, it might start ranking right away.


Those who use content marketing as part of their business strategy will begin to see results in a few months. The effects of writing content may take a while to show, but once the traffic starts to pick up, you can expect the traffic to keep streaming through for months to come.

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