• September 21, 2022

Do you make any of these 6 mistakes when watering orchids?

When you see a plant wilting, it may not really need water. But many times we don’t realize this and we kill the poor thing. Here are 6 things you need to know about orchid watering for a happy and bountiful growth of this prized plant.

1. Orchids are tropical plants and are usually watered by rains so they can be quite abundant. However, they are acclimated to dry spells and extra watering all the time, therefore not a good idea.

2. Stagnant water is bad for orchids, as the plant generally likes to stay dry. Fungal diseases get into the roots of orchids that remain submerged in water for long periods.

3. Orchid roots are an excellent indicator of water. If they appear silvery white, you have a problem of less water even though the leaves may look fresh and green. Look at the roots and stem to see if they are soft. If it is there, you are supplying too much water. And on the contrary, if there is too much heat, the plant dries up and dehydrates.

4. Night watering is a bad habit because it doesn’t allow the plant to absorb moisture and instead causes moisture buildup that can cause root rot.

5. If you use tap water for your plant, check for higher salt content. If your water is high in calcium, you will see deposits forming and it is time to use water from somewhere else.

6. If the water in your home is softened using an ion-exchange method, you’re safe. But if you use chemicals do not use that water for your orchids. These chemicals would generally be toxic and although they may not show up right away, in a few months you may have to say goodbye to your orchids.

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