• September 14, 2022

Do you know how to get what you want?

Imagine, the one thing in your mind that you’ve felt like you have no control over, suddenly you have the ability to not only understand how to change things, but now you know you have the ability to make it happen, you can actually get whatever you want. want.

I know you want to know how, so read on.

A quick disclaimer, I’m not saying you can get what you want all the time, every time. However, there are several things you can do to turn the tide in your favor so that more often than not you can get what you want out of a situation.

Let’s take a scenario that many of us are familiar with and that has made the blood of many of my friends and family boil. The invisible person on the other end of the phone, who has a bubbly voice with a bit of rudeness waiting around the corner, and unfortunately for you; you really need to get something from them.

Okay, grab a pen, write them down, they’ll really help you get through this hurdle.

1. Do them a favor

Just think for a brief moment, you’re sitting behind a desk all day, answering calls from one annoying person after another, I don’t know anyone who calls Customer Service because they’re just looking to pay someone an add-on.

Well, if you want to get what you really want, be that person, or at least open the conversation by looking to pay them a compliment, don’t fake it, there’s nothing a Customer Service Representative can see through faster than a fake. snap to get the good side of it. Start with what you liked about the product. There has to be something that drew you to the article in the first place. Please indicate this first before the problem.

2. Collect information

Once you’ve established a relationship with them, it’s time to thank them for their help and tell them you’d like to make sure their supervisor knows how helpful they’ve been. Get all the information you can.

  • Name, both supervisors and agent
  • Title
  • Phone, or ext.
  • Email

3. Tracking and storage of information

Once you have the tracking information make sure you send the email or make the phone call this will actually be good for you not only as a person but this information is usually entered into your account so when you need something in the future has already established a great report.

Now tell me if you were working on the other end of the phone and had a nice person to work with who obviously pays bonuses and gets employees recognized for outstanding work, would you be willing to help them when this call comes? ?

When you need something from someone in life, it is much easier to get what you want when you start by looking for a way to give something.

Make a conscious effort not to ask someone for something without thinking about how you can give them something first.

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