• August 17, 2021

Dettol Alternative Medicine – Why Should You Use Detrol Instead of Vinegar?

Dettol Alternative Medicine

Dettol is a common brand of disinfectant, cleaner and antiseptic and was first manufactured by the private company Reckitt & Freesat, later bought by the British firm Reckitt & Brown. In United States, it is commonly sold under its different brands like Detrol, Dettol, Greenlighters, etc. It is basically a chemical detergent that has a distinctive smell and color. A solution of 2.2% Dettol will clean any kind of surface including upholstery.

As the liquid antiseptic and disinfectant, Dettol acts against bacteria, fungi and viruses such as E-coli and Salmonella. Besides killing bacteria, it also stops the growth of fungus and mold. To get the full effect of this powerful cleaning agent, it needs to be applied carefully and with utmost care. Dettol can be mixed into a bucket of warm water and then poured onto the affected area so that all the cleaning agents are used on the affected areas.

Dettol suppliers

Apart from killing bacteria and germs, Detrol also works to purify the air and thus improving overall health condition. One such example of this is the Dettol candle cleaning agent. Candle made with Castor oil or powder is mixed with a bit of dettol and is allowed to burn for about four hours. This mixture works as both a disinfectant and an antibacterial agent to kill germs and improve the air quality.

Why Should You Use Detrol Instead of Vinegar?

You can also use dettol in cleaning bathroom tiles and counter tops using a sponge dipped into it or a rag dipped into it. The detergent in the dettol helps to loosen and remove soil particles from the tiles and counters. This will leave your bathroom or kitchen floor smelling fresh and clean. To kill bacteria, you may add a small amount of vinegar in the detergent mix to kill bacteria and fungus on your tiles and counter tops.

As mentioned earlier, Detrol is also used in treating minor burns especially where the redness or swelling is not too severe and in some cases, doctors may not even recommend invasive treatment. If you have a mild burn, you can use some dettol products like creams that contain caramel coloring (a type of caramelsand). These creams will help to reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain. Once the pain has been reduced, you can go ahead with the antiseptic liquid and take care of the burn.

Dettol, which is derived from Castor oil seeds, is used as a natural antiseptic. Because this is a natural compound, there is no need to worry about side effects or health risks as most of the chemicals in over-the-counter antiseptics are synthetic. However, while Detrol is very effective in treating minor burns and wounds, if you have an underlying medical condition, it may be better to consult a doctor before using this chemical compound. Some other alternative medications such as isopropyl alcohol, tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar may also be considered to treat bacterial infections and provide comfort. However, if you are looking for an all-natural alternative, you may consider going with Detroit instead.

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