• February 10, 2023

Chronicles of Narnia – Criticism of Prince Caspian

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian the game is based on the movie, from which it originates. The game follows the story of Narnia very well; Giving the player a real experience, it takes you to Narnia. As soon as you start the game, you’re thrown right into the action – it won’t let you wait. With a checklist and great instructions to follow; makes game objectives clear and easy to follow.

The game’s graphics are good, if not a bit simplistic to what we now see in many Xbox 360 games; although it is still very clear and playable. There are two different types of cutscenes in Prince Caspian; some of which are graphically done and others which are clips from the movie. Graphical cutscenes are quick and simple – they show the area of ​​where and what you need to do. They are the perfect representatives of what a cinematic scene should be: nice and to the point. On the other hand you have the clips, which have been extracted from the film. Most of these clips are longer than the graphics; although they are more enjoyable to watch since they are taken from the movie. The variety of different cut scenes makes it enjoyable to watch while getting a better experience of the game. The sounds also help the aesthetics of the game as they are realistic, it really gives you the feeling that you are in Narnia!

The game is nice, although it has a disappointment. There is a huge variety of different characters for you to play as; You can switch between all characters with the push of a button, taking advantage of each character’s qualities. Each character has a range of three or more attacks, making the range bigger and more exciting. This range of characters and attacks is reduced by not being able to rotate the game screen to see what’s going on around your character. This makes navigating the game more difficult as obstacles get in the line of sight and makes seeing objects around you much more difficult.

Prince Caspian also supports a multiplayer mode, allowing you and a friend to play together. This option greatly improves the quality of the game, as it makes the challenges easier to control: since you don’t have to switch between all the characters by yourself. Although as a single player mode, the inability to rotate the screen is a real disappointment; along with the game not having a split screen mode. In multiplayer, you and your partner are made to play on the same screen; therefore, they are forced to move together and do not have the freedom to travel alone. This would benefit the game as, for example, one of you could be attacking while the other collects items to throw at the enemy.

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian is a great game to play with the whole family, the fantastic cinematic scenes and the large number of challenges, characters and attacks make this game worth playing. Though he’s disappointed by the lack of split-screen in multiplayer and not being able to rotate the screen, which is a necessity in most Xbox 360 games currently available. Regardless of these faults though, this game is one you should try.

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