• April 12, 2023

Chin augmentation changed my life!

Leafing through her friend’s wedding album, Sharron Taylor was on fire with jealousy. It wasn’t that she was desperate to meet that special someone, settle down, and get married. Oh no, Sharron, 37, had done the big white wedding years before, she had a wonderful husband, Mark, 38, and two lovely daughters: Millie, six, and Tegan, three. No, it was the fact that aside from the memories she carried in her head, she had no record of her big day. She hadn’t even had a professional photographer. It was strange, but her husband, Mark, had left all the arrangements to her and when her friends would ask, ‘Oh, we can’t afford one,’ she would say just to shut them up.

But it wasn’t the money that was the problem, it was his chin. Sharron inherited it from his mother, Edna’s side of the family, but while his mother’s was only slightly affected, Sharron’s was much worse. In fact, he was so inverted that he didn’t seem to have a chin at all. His face just blended into his neck. At school, she had been terribly teased. As expected, he had made her incredibly self-conscious. Even as an adult, Sharron always spoke with one hand over her mouth and tried desperately not to be seen from her side profile. But she didn’t even know her mother or Mark knew how much she hated him. Sharron was even afraid to stop at her traffic lights in case other drivers saw her. So when she married Mark, an access operator driver, it was only natural to ban photography at the wedding. And when she gave birth to two beautiful children: ‘Don’t take me in the photos!’ she quit. In fact, there was a grand total of only four photos of her with them.

But then, last October, mom Edna announced that she was spending money on a face lift. Sharron was enchanted by it and couldn’t wait to see the results from it. She was speechless when she saw her mother for the first time after the operation. Edna not only looked 10 years younger, now, after almost 60 years, she had a perfect chin. “The surgeon also placed a chin implant,” she explained to Sharron.

Trasie Inkersole is 46 years old and the proud owner of a truly flat stomach. But she wasn’t always like this. Before undergoing upper abdominal surgery, Ella Trasie had a spare tire that just wouldn’t go away. “I wanted to get a tummy tuck because I was always conscious of that horrible bulge that seemed to marry my breasts every time I sat down,” she says. “I never knew where my tummy ended and my breasts began. As a result, I was starting to slouch, so I decided to do something about it.”

“After speaking with a friend, I met with a South African plastic surgeon at The Rosebank Clinic. I decided he was the man to operate on.” This wasn’t Trasie’s first cosmetic procedure: she underwent a lower abdominal tummy tuck when she was 24 and was very pleased with it. However, she says, fools in the UK didn’t seem to think that an upper tummy tuck would be beneficial. “One decided to try it, but the effects were not good and she still had a lump and the scar was very ugly,” she explains. “Dr. Fayman was very confident that he could help me and he explained to me that my tummy muscles should have been tightened during the operations. With all the information he needed, I decided to go ahead.”

Trasie flew to South Africa for the operation, joined the ‘safari and surgery’ group and describes her experience as “brilliant. I had the operation in the morning and in the afternoon I was up and talking to the other people who had come to the clinic for different operations. “I was amazed, I had no pain afterwards, not even a twinge! By contrast, the operation I had in the UK was agonizing and I couldn’t move for days. I, too, had waddled for two weeks, not daring to straighten up, but here I was, on my feet, a few hours after surgery. It was really amazing. “

Trasie says that although her abdomen was slightly swollen for a few weeks after the procedure, the overall effect was fantastic. “I was as flat as a pancake and had a perfect scar. I went to South Africa wearing a size 18 and within a week I was buying a size 14 and I’m still wearing a 14. All my family and friends were in awe and couldn’t believe the results. As a result, many of them have had surgery or are thinking of going to SA for surgery in the future.” Trasie’s surgeon, Dr. Fayman, says a floppy upper stomach is a problem that typically affects men and women after major weight loss, or younger women after pregnancies.

The typical tummy tuck operation is performed through an incision that runs from side to side of the body, along the natural crease in the lower abdomen, and is most successful in treating loose skin and loose muscles. preferably in the lower abdomen. the abdomen in the area between the navel and the pubic area.

However, conventional tummy tucks are less successful in treating sagging soft tissue, and particularly the skin, in the upper abdomen, an area that is quite a ways from the lower abdominal incision.

According to Dr. Fayman, Trasie’s surgeon, the upper tummy tuck has been described in the professional literature since 1923 and has gained popularity primarily in Brazil, but is now embraced by plastic surgeons around the world. It can be combined with liposuction on the abdomen, which means that the results can be even more spectacular.


Dr Moshe Fayman
Moshe (Miki) Fayman, MD FCS is a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in private practice in Johannesburg, South Africa. Dr. Fayman has dedicated his life’s work to helping people improve their appearance through Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery.

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