• May 21, 2021

Can Exercise Really Reduce Excessive Sweating?

If you suffer from excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, you probably try to avoid situations that make you sweat even more. For example, exercise is known to make people sweat. But if you avoid exercise altogether, you could miss out on the benefits that will actually reduce your symptoms.

One case where exercise can help reduce excessive sweating is when your condition is related to toxins in your body. Sweating is a way that the body tries to eliminate these toxins and this is a natural process. However, this is probably of little comfort if your body sweats out the toxins as you try to go about your daily life. So wouldn’t it be better to give your body a little help to rid itself of its toxins during regular exercise sessions? In this way, it takes the pressure off your body to sweat them up during the less appropriate times.

Another time that exercise can improve symptoms of excessive sweating is when the condition is related to your weight. There is a connection between being overweight and a higher level of sweating. Therefore, as you get closer to your ideal weight, you will automatically reduce the symptoms of being overweight (one of which is excessive sweating). If you are unsure if your symptoms are related to your weight, and you are overweight, losing weight will be a healthy experiment that could provide the answer to your problem. (Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy all the other benefits of losing excess weight, such as more confidence, energy, fitness, etc.)

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating occurs due to a malfunction in some part of the body. Part of the problem may be knowing what triggers this malfunction. However, whatever the cause, if you strive for a healthy, well-functioning body, it is very likely that this will affect whatever is causing you to sweat excessively. So by making sure you exercise regularly, by keeping your body fit and active, you are helping it work more efficiently. And the better you take care of our body, the better it will take care of you (and the less likely it will disappoint you). Exercise is a great way to show your body that you care.

Another benefit of a fit and healthy body is an efficient metabolism. This can be doubly effective for those who suffer from excessive sweating. First, your body will burn more calories, even at rest, helping you lose excess weight. Second, excessive sweating can be a symptom of food intolerances or nutrition problems. Therefore, if you strengthen your digestive system, your body will be better able to cope with these intolerances and therefore less likely to “malfunction.”

Exercise is also a notorious stress buster. So if your excessive sweating symptoms are related to stress, exercise can help release your residual stress. This will be very beneficial to your health, but also, when you manage your stress in a positive way, you will be in a better position to deal with stressful situations in the future. This should reduce any tendency to overreact and any subsequent symptoms that occur (i.e. sweating).

There’s another great reason to make exercise part of the solution to excessive sweating – it makes you feel good! Exercise causes the brain to release endorphins in your body. These hormones make you feel happy. This is why some people get addicted to exercise – they love the endorphin rush. But also, endorphins and being happy are good for your health. So you get a general boost to your well-being that has positive effects long after you finish exercising.

Finally, it is socially acceptable to warm up and sweat during a workout. Exercise makes everyone sweat. In any gym you will see people sweating profusely, not caring what other people think. There is even a theory that fit people sweat more than unfit people. Therefore, during exercise is a time when you can stop worrying about the amount of sweat. Then you can relax and know that you are improving your health, your happiness and it is very likely that you are also reducing your problem of excessive sweating.

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