• June 16, 2023

Beat the winter blues with warm tropical rugs

These days, it seems that everyone wants to have a stylish and themed decoration for their homes. And the norm seems to follow that instead of having a general theme for the whole house, certain parts of the room have specific designs to enhance the atmosphere. For example, the children’s bathrooms are decorated in a contemporary art deco style, while the adult ones have a classical Greek theme. Tropical themed kitchens are becoming quite popular, simply because they give a comfortable and somewhat casual atmosphere to the kitchen, a kind of happy atmosphere that makes the kitchen a wonderful place to hang out; and oh yeah, maybe cook, prepare and have a meal or two.

Tropical kitchen area rugs would certainly give the room an added touch, and one of the great things about it is that you don’t need to have a really big kitchen to put down a rug. Now they come in all shapes and sizes, and there’s certainly plenty to choose from. The price range for these isn’t really a big concern, as there are plenty of inexpensive floor coverings made from quality fibers. However, since the kitchen is one of the most used parts of the room and is often met with grease stains and accidental food spills, you may want to find a kitchen rug that can withstand wear and tear. Stain resistant and antibacterial floor coverings are better than choosing dark colored items.

Yeah, we know…everyone says that darker colors tend to hide as many stains as possible, but the bacteria that can grow inside them after a spill can lead to other nastier things like mold and even mold growth. a persistent bad odor. Also, you should never choose one simply because you think it will hide the masses well.

Most tropical designs have flower motifs, but if you prefer a more extravagant piece, there are designs that are inspired by animals or depict tropical life. Some have collages of the most innocuous images that will remind you of sun, sand, and surf (ie bikinis, flip-flops, hula dancers, etc.). However, your choice of color and design should match, complement or contrast your entire kitchen color scheme. The best way to do this is to first establish what is the predominant color in your kitchen.

They shouldn’t overwhelm your space, but rather provide a break from the solidity of the floor or walls or anything else that seems to have a predominant color within that space. For example, if you have a light mahogany covered kitchen floor, a light colored floor covering (in any shape) should take the look out of all that light brown coloring. If you have a white marble floor, a darker but more vibrant colored rug should soften all that white. If you have walls painted a muted yellow, any contrasting color can offer visual respite. If most of the kitchen appliances in your home have one color tone (metallic blue or copper, which by the way, is trending in the kitchen right now), one that is a softer hue, maybe even bordered for emphasis. , it can bring a whole new facet. to your kitchen space.

Kitchen rugs don’t necessarily need to take up a lot of space. Some of the smaller ones can help accentuate a favorite spot; the breakfast table for one is the best place to put one. If you don’t have a large table (but would like to think you do), an oversized version can give the illusion of a larger eating space. If you have a very large floor space and would like to make a bold and interesting floor piece, we recommend getting several colored surfboard-shaped floor coverings and lining them up in diagonal patterns; The non-slip backing should provide a safe walking environment.

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