• June 24, 2021

5 ways to stop your dog’s fear of loud noises

If your dog is afraid of loud noises, you can help him overcome the fear with a little patience and calm behavior modification techniques.

Sherry Woodard, a dog trainer and consultant for the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, says the following technique is especially helpful.

o She suggests getting an audio of the loud noises that your dog is most afraid of. Play the audio at a low volume so that your dog hears the sounds but does not panic at the volume that normally accompanies it.

Do things to divert your attention while the audio plays. You can play with it, pet or brush your dog while the audio is playing.

Once your dog gets used to the sound or noise that has previously caused fear, you can adjust the sound level a little so that it gradually hears the sound at higher levels.

By doing this over a period of several days, your dog will be able to overcome his fear of loud noises.

o Calm your dog by talking to him. If your dog is afraid of loud noises made by garbage cans, for example, stay with him when the trick hits and speak calmly to him. Just don’t make too much fuss or she will associate your attention with the noise and the fear of loud noises will be reinforced.

o The cave is really a cage- We adopted a dog that had been abused and was afraid of any noise more than a whisper. Shaking and shaking, this little Chihuahua mix would run and hide when the doorbell rang. To overcome her fear of loud noises, we left a box in the living room. When a loud noise caused fear, the puppy would run to the box and calm down. Many dogs have a cave as a safe haven instinct, dating back to days in the wild 10,000 years ago.

Once the dog had calmed down, we sat by the cage and let her feel our presence. No calls, no fanfare. Soon she would emerge, reassured by our presence. After a few weeks, he started running towards us instead of the box. He was no longer afraid of loud noises.

o Cool as a cucumber – Make sure you never show emotion or anger when your dog shows fear of loud noises. The fear will only get more intense. Keep calm and calm. Your dog will react in the same way.

o Nature’s help is fine too – if all else fails, you may want to consult with a holistic vet to determine if there is a natural supplement available, appropriate for your dog, that will help calm him down and ease his fear. dog to loud noises.

Once you determine which approach works best for your dog, he will continue to progress and end his fear of loud noises, as long as you continue to work with him in a calm and consistent manner.

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