• January 23, 2023

Wood Finishing Tools List

Wood finishing is an important phase in carpentry. It ensures that imperfections in the surface of the wood are minimized or hidden. Here is a list of the basic wood finishing tools that every woodworker should have:


This is a form of abrasive paper, with particles stuck to it. Sandpaper is very useful for removing small amounts of material or for smoothing the surface of the work piece.

Sandpaper also comes in many different grits and types, depending on the tasks it is used for.

sanding blocks

Sanding blocks are made by wrapping 1/4 sheet of sandpaper around a block of wood for stronger support.

steel wool or bronze

It comes in different grades and different brands. Steel wool/bronze pads are used for the final finish. However, if you plan to use water to increase the grain of the wood, avoid using them. Also, remember that steel wool pads need to be degreased before using for woodworking.

wood stains

Wood stains are a type of paint that penetrates the wood without hiding the natural pattern of the wood. However, the color of the stain can be seen on the surface of the wood.

straight oils

Straight oils (usually straight tung oil, raw or boiled linseed oil, walnut oil, and mineral oil) are used for things like butcher blocks, cutting boards, and workbenches. You can apply as many layers as you like of these oils. Pure oils should be applied to items being handled as they easily attract dirt and grime.


A varnish is a pure oil to which a resin has been added. These have polyurethane or other resins in the mix to make the mix even more flexible.

Mixtures of oils and varnishes

They offer great protection and are also easy to apply like straight oils. However, it is not recommended to use them on objects that are used frequently.


The finishing color of the lacquers is a semi-translucent light brown. There are also black, yellow, green, red and blue lacquers. Applied liberally, lacquers give the finish a more vibrant appearance.

water based finishes

Water-based finishes look milky when fresh and become transparent when dry. They are the perfect option for areas of frequent use due to their good resistance to wear. They can be applied over light colored paints or stains so the base coat shows through clearly.


Always keep a good variety of brushes in your toolbox. They come in many different sizes. The type and size of the brush will determine the appearance of the finished piece.

spray guns

Spray gus are a great alternative to brushes, especially when you want to go faster.

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