• November 26, 2022

Scrapbook Ideas – As Endless As They Are Nice (and Weird!)

Reading about how scrapbooking is one of America’s most popular hobbies has given me pause to reflect on the number of things you could scrapbook about.

Turns out I’m a dog lover to the max. There is a great theme idea. I was an elementary school teacher for 30 years. Boy, we sure could have made some amazing memory books if he was still in the classroom. And, to be fair, we did a lot of scrapbook-like projects during my 30 years in room 11.

Obvious ideas would be scrapbooks about your children, your family, vacations, celebrations, anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, holidays, “firsts”, hobbies, exploration, sports, favorite photos, funny incidents, milestones, achievements, proms , graduations, treasured memories, jobs, home improvements, the natural world, and so on.

It would also be fun to consider some potentially wacky ideas. How about “April Fools”, other practical jokes and gags, recovery, dating (the good, the bad and the ugly!), relationships, erasures, lessons learned, weather, the four seasons, music, concerts, sporting events, tailgating, wild times, weird friends…

Embarrassing moments (don’t know about this one), letdowns, “If I won the lottery”, pet hilarity, goofy cheer, antics, life’s little dramas, dressing like a jerk, collaborations, stressful situations, on the road, revelry, decisions monumental…

Partying Like There’s No Tomorrow, Close Shaves, Caught In The Act, Scary Moments, Weird Happenings, Bad Habits, Good Habits, Life’s Magical Moments, Surprise-Surprise!, My Messy Life, Top Ten Lists firsts on any subject, crazy and proud, on the high seas, my donut collection, caffeinated!, real men don’t ask directions, “Drivin’ that high train on caffeinated”, “Truckin'”, the best bands, the gods favorite musicals, chasing the almighty dollar. .

Cooking kalamities, food-food-and-more-food, braving the elements, unnatural disasters, snoozing, fancy eccentricity, crazy camping, political statements, working out and hating every minute, my button collection, “petscapades” , Don Quixote Moments, garbage day, memories of the dump, building weird contraptions, the budding gamer, insults and injuries, how to build a better mousetrap, my junk collection…

Nirvana garage sale, superheroes, filling the hole in the cake, a day in the life of…, favorite movies and tv shows, humorous quotes, inspirations, That’s gross!, twisted insects, kisses, handshakes, museums, favorite fast food places, high anxiety, new music, my candy paradise, favorite lousy experiences, never should have done that, best books, best friends, taking it easy, zigzag when I should, high calorie And proud…

Chill like a pro, bucket lists, get fit, just say no to…, self-acceptance, a day at the library, casino action, claymation creations, hysterics, all the world’s a stage, rated as exceptional, brave potluck, fool’s paradise, I stink at…, keep up with day job, over the edge, nostalgic peaks and valleys, My obsession with scrapbooking…

That should keep you off the streets!

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