• December 17, 2022

The need for pretend play in child development

I still remember the time in my childhood where some days I pretended to be a writer and there were also days when I pretended to be an actor or a presenter. I am sure that all of you would agree with me that childhood is the best time since we can be everything we…

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Love, Loss, Loneliness and Longing

The advent of the monsoons Year: late 1998 Sometime between the end of August and the beginning of sweet September, the premonsoon showers were building like a storm across the western sky over the city. Walking towards the frame of tinted glass that bordered the lower side of the great hall, Arinvan saw that the…

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Charles Atlas training: 2 exercises that will get you in shape

If you are looking to learn some of the exercises from the Charles Atlas training, in this article you will discover two of the most popular Charles Atlas exercises. By the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll be able to use these two exercises to build your body at home with very little equipment.…

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Immigrant’s Guide to the American Dream

As proud immigrants to America at the turn of the 20th century, my parents worked hard and saved to secure a piece of the American Dream. MY PARENTS EMPHASIZED SAVINGS My parents raised their three American-born children with sound money management principles, the same ones that helped us secure a piece of the American Dream.…

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PMDD Treatment: What PMDD Treatments Work?

If you have PMDD, you must be very anxious to find a PMDD treatment that really works to help you overcome this terrible condition. Too many women have only been told that drugs and medications of various kinds are the only treatments for PMDD, but this is not true because there are many ways to…

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Important points to consider before buying a health insurance plan

A health insurance plan is an essential part of financial planning in this age of skyrocketing medical costs. Medical inflation has escalated to an all-time high, making it all the more important to purchase a health insurance plan that can sponsor hospitalization and medical treatment bills or expenses. It is important to evaluate and look…

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What is needed to run my home on solar energy? Using solar energy for the house

There are several different companies that have to understand what it takes to run my home on solar electric power. There are three different systems to choose from: a grid-tied system, a grid-tied system containing a battery backup, and a stand-alone system. Each will have slightly different needs and materials, although the main part of…

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Inside the Boxscores Week 2 Part 2

Inside the Boxscores is a weekly feature by Matt Fargo that has been widely recognized as the best roundup in college football. Take an in-depth look at each game and extract the most relevant information that will help you in future handicap games. College football is full of wacky plays, misleading scores, and unexpected endings.…

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Tips for the best marriage proposal!

Have you found the person of your dreams? Are you ready to propose to her and spend the rest of your life with her? Have you thought about how to make your marriage proposal more special and romantic? Hopefully, you can imagine an experience that she will never forget. After dating that special someone for…

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Top 10 startup errors

The following review will provide a number of examples that every entrepreneur should try to avoid when starting a business. Some of the holes referenced below run parallel to bankruptcy. With this in mind, we strongly recommend that you carefully follow these guidelines. Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry. Each of you…

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