• December 3, 2022

Platinum Engagement Rings: A Rising Trend Among Young Couples

When choosing your engagement ring, in addition to finding the perfect diamond, the first thing you think about is the type of ring and design you want. While the metal options are usually white, yellow and rose gold, the platinum engagement ring It has recently become an extremely popular choice among young couples around the…

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How watching live football can excite you

First, some facts about Fútbol Club Barcelona: also known as FC Barcelona (or, more affectionately, Barça), it is one of the most popular sports clubs not only in Spain, but also in Europe and even the rest of the world. . While it is known for soccer, it is also home to teams that compete…

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Overcoming Insecurity: 7 Signs You’re Needy And Clingy

You do NOT need a man to be happy. You grew up feeling lonely and unloved. Your father was emotionally unavailable, he was hypercritical or abusive. You have a low sense of self-esteem. You keep looking for the man’s conditional love, but you gravitate toward men who don’t communicate, are unfaithful, deceitful, and abusive—men who…

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The best way to deal with peer pressure in teenagers

The best way to handle peer pressure is to get involved in educating teens about the effect it has on them. Peer influence is when you choose to do something you wouldn’t otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. It is not just or always about doing something against…

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Easy Potty Training: A Guide to Success

Potty training is not a race, and there is no evidence that early potty trainers are more successful or happy as adults compared to those who potty trained a bit later. So give yourself permission to take the time to understand your child and understand the best things he can do to make the process…

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Scrapbook Ideas – As Endless As They Are Nice (and Weird!)

Reading about how scrapbooking is one of America’s most popular hobbies has given me pause to reflect on the number of things you could scrapbook about. Turns out I’m a dog lover to the max. There is a great theme idea. I was an elementary school teacher for 30 years. Boy, we sure could have…

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Is being a full time stay at home mom more rewarding than being a full time career builder?

It’s beyond terrifying for me to even ask myself this question let alone out loud. After a lifetime of supporting all things “women’s rights”, working full time in a career for my entire adult life, I wonder if I made a huge mistake. After 11 years of marriage, an unexpected divorce completely upset me. Rather…

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Living in style in shipping containers

Believe it or not, there is a group of architects who have developed some very elegant residences out of the humble shipping container. Not just residences, there have also been hundreds of metal shipping containers used for museums, restaurants, and weekend homes. You wouldn’t even realize that these beautiful and creative structures once transported supplies…

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summer survival

summer survival   The summer season is here and along with it comes summer vacation for school-age children. Moms are now responsible for coming up with the ideas and curriculum for their kids and I’m the first to admit that by summer my creative juices have almost run out. How can you make summer another…

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People who aren’t pets aren’t flawed, they just haven’t met the right pet yet!

I have been laughed at, patronized, and pitied by non-pets. I may have been irritated, frustrated, or upset, but now I feel sorry for them. No Pet-Peeps does not understand Pet-Peeps and vice versa. It’s not until that unexpected and inexplicable connection is made between a person and his pet that the bond can finally…

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