• September 19, 2021

A change of focus

Did you wake up happy today? Did you jump out of bed excited to get to work because your work makes you feel valued, listened to, and moving forward in your career and life? Do you feel an unshakable loyalty to your employer? Is your work ethic rock solid? Isn’t these the kind of employees companies dream of? happy, loyal employees with a great work ethic? The question is,

“How do employees and employers get into this ideal work environment?” A change of approach may be necessary.

Have you ever heard of grateful inquiry? No? So, today is your lucky day!

Here is the definition of what appreciative inquiry means, taken from the book:Appreciative inquiry: a positive revolution in change by David L. Cooperrider and Diana Whitney. (1)

“Appreciative Inquiry is the cooperative, co-evolutionary search for the best in people, their organization and the world around them. It involves the systematic discovery of what gives life to an organization or community when it is most effective and capable in terms economic, ecological and human terms “. (1)

Imagine taking the focus off what is wrong and focusing instead on what is working. What makes your company or organization stand out in a positive way? What empowers your employees and what do they do better than anyone else? Appreciative inquiry encourages asking positive questions that strengthen work environments to bring out the best in people. Appreciative inquiry assumes that there is future potential for positive change within each of us.

“Human systems grow in the direction of what they persistently ask questions about, and this propensity is strongest and most sustainable when the means and ends of research are positively correlated. The most important action a group can take to liberate the human spirit and consciously Building a better future is making the positive nucleus the common and explicit property of all “. (1)

Imagine getting the best out of your employees by focusing on their strengths. How can you make your work environment magnetic where do people feel so connected to their work and organization? Think about it. What about productivity and sick time? Productivity would skyrocket and sick time would plummet. How exciting is that ?!

Here are some notes I took after reading the book. Appreciative inquiry: a positive revolution in change (1), of how an organization responded to the question,

“How can we engage the positive potential of all employees to transform the company?”

1. Set a goal of five positive performance stories from each of the negative ones.

2. They trained 50 people as agents of internal change at various levels, in Appreciative Inquiry.

3. They also trained a large number of front-line employees.

4. Created opportunities to share new positive stories.

5. Created an Appreciative Inquiry teaching tool for all employees.

6. The Appreciative Inquiry model was introduced as a new model for unions and management.

Have I given you something to think about? If so, great! Imagine starting each day knowing that you are part of a positive revolution for change. Imagine how this concept will affect your children and future generations! You are laying the groundwork to help unleash your potential and that of the whole world.


1. Appreciative inquiry: a positive revolution for change, copyright David l. Cooperrider and Diana Whitney, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco, California, 94104-2916, paperback ISBN 978-1-57675-356-9, PDF e-book ISBN 978-1-6509-281-2

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