• July 30, 2022

Retirement Activities – Ten Great Things to Do

I once heard someone say that I will never retire. I would not know what to do? Here are ten ideas for fun and fulfilling activities that will entice anyone to consider retirement. Become a wine connoisseur and share your favorites. Try a new wine every few days and keep track of your findings. Put…

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Excel – Survival of the Fittest

The world of nature is awash with examples of the dominance of one species over another; From the weeds taking over a flower bed to the gray squirrel kicking out the weakest red, survival of the fittest is the law of nature. However, this law is sometimes applied to the unnatural world of technology, where…

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Simple Accounting for Small Business – Accounting Using a Simple Spreadsheet Template

Starting a small business from home, offering products or services such as business consulting, photography, web selling, or MLM? Now you’re faced with keeping track of all your business expenses and income, and you certainly don’t have the money to hire a bookkeeper or accountant yet. If your business is a sole proprietor, whether you…

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Home Decor for a Claustrophobic

The main factor that contributes to that cramped feeling one gets in small spaces is clutter. Newspapers, magazines, or books thrown haphazardly in the living room add to that “locked-in” feel. Simply stacking magazines or placing them neatly on a table will add space to a room. The kitchen or dining room table is another…

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Electric vehicles and LED lights for the future

If you asked a person in the early 1940s and 1950s about the future of automobiles, they would have told you that they expected flying cars in the early 20th century. While technology has allowed man to make great strides in automotive engineering since it was first made, sadly we have not yet reached the…

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Entrepreneurs: Why You Need to Adopt Right Brain Strategies for Your Business

As an entrepreneur, you probably already use the creative right side of your brain more. However, there have been people over the decades who have argued that a business person should rely more on his logical left side if he wants to be successful. New thought Perhaps the change in the global perception of what…

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Bread and Butter Basics – Hair Health with Homeopathy

Nobody wants to lose their hair. Whether as a result of midlife for men, the aftermath of menopause for women, or following a fever, hair loss can be a difficult event. Hair loss can also be attributed to the use of drugs, prescribed or not. Even hereditary hair loss can sometimes be stopped with the…

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Importance of playing games in our lives

Importance of video games Most of our kids play because they like it and yes they should like it because it keeps their mind fresh. A genuine player will play reasonable fun every time. He must have a cool and charming temperament. Recreations cultivate a spirit of camaraderie and co-activity among players. An athlete must…

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The Female Athlete’s Knees: 15 Knee Care Rules

Knee injuries account for a quarter of all sports injuries. After puberty, girls have an overall risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) knee injury of 1 in 50. In college, women are 3 times more likely to have an ACL injury compared to men . Therefore, it is very important that athletes act now to…

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Choosing an Effective Law Firm

At some point or another, we need legal advice. It can be a relatively simple matter, like preparing a will or buying a home, or something much more complex, like getting a divorce or dealing with a criminal case. The need of the hour is to find a good law firm. There is no shortage…

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